Chapter 14

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Song Lianyi cursed the words in a low voice, and stood still for a long time before turning back to look at Fang Chaozhou.

I have to say that Li Yiye’s magical form is really powerful. At least Fang Chaozhou looks almost the same as Xue Danrong in appearance, but his eyes are different.

With the same pair of phoenix eyes, Xue Danrong’s eyes were as cold as ice and snow, repelling people thousands of miles away, while Fang Chaozhou was very gentle, as if he had no temper at all.

Song Lianyi likes temperamental beauties, Fang Chaozhou is what he hates most, and it’s boring to torture.

But everyone was tied up, Song Lianyi also offended Li Yiye for this. Although he was not afraid of Li Yiye, since he paid the price, he must always collect something back.

Thinking of this, Song Lianyi walked back to Fang Chaozhou’s face and pulled off the drape vigorously, “It’s a long time tonight, let’s take it slow.”

He pulled the person directly into the room, because Fang Chaozhou couldn’t speak because of the silence technique, which made Song Lianyi a little more comfortable, as long as he didn’t think back what the other party said.

Song Lianyi dragged the person to the beauty couch in the middle of the room, and pushed him up again. As soon as Fang Chaozhou was forced to lie down, he heard the sound of the organ. In the next instant, he found that his feet and hands were tied.

“This is a shark silk forging. It will adjust the elasticity according to the person being tied. The more you struggle, the tighter it will be tied.” Song Lianyi’s eyes lightly swept across the dark green ribbon tied to Fang Chaozhou’s wrist.

Fang Chaozhou’s skin was white and the green contrasted, and it became whiter. From a distance, it looked like snow from the branches and leaves, and it was a bit too white.

Song Lianyi turned her eyes to look at Fang Chaozhou’s ankle, picked up the shark ribbon with her fingers, and continued: “Once you tie it up, the tied person can’t untie it unless someone is willing to help you.”

After speaking, he showed an innocent smile in the appearance of a girl.

He seemed to be suggesting Fang Chaozhou.

Fang Chaozhou tried to move his hands, and as expected, he felt the forging strap tightened a lot at once, so he immediately stopped moving.

Song Lianyi saw Fang Chaozhou’s movements, and the smile on her lips deepened, “This is just the beginning.”

He got up and walked to the window sill, where there was a desk with a red lacquered wooden plate with seven or eight candles on it. Song Lianyi picked among several candles of different thicknesses, and finally chose a red candle about the length of an adult’s forearm.

Fang Chaozhou, who was tied to the beauty couch, saw Song Lianyi walking back with a candle, his eyes widened. When Song Lianyi sat down next to him, Fang Chaozhou blinked twice, and then quickly shook his head.

Seeing Fang Chaozhou’s head shaking, Song Lianyi felt that his heart was finally relieved. He was so angry that he couldn’t get up and down, so he made up his mind that Fang Chaozhou must suffer enough today.

Thinking of this, his fingertips moved slightly, and the candle in his hand was lit.

“This is the desire candle. After lighting it, the person who smells the fragrance will be drawn out of the biggest sex in the heart. If the candle oil is dropped on the body, it will be more interesting.” Song Lianyi’s slender white fingers grabbed After removing the laces on Fang Chaozhou’s clothes, you only need to pull gently, and the clothes will unravel. “Drop it on your body, and you will smell like candles on your body. People who smell it will be tempted to tear off the quilt. Dizhiren’s clothes, lick those things.”

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