Chapter 107

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With the sound of the dragon’s roar, he was alarmed for ten miles.

Song Lianyi heard the dragon chant and couldn’t help stepping out of the room door. As soon as he got out of the room door, the maids also hurriedly followed.

“Om Master.”

Song Lianyi ignored them, but looked up at the sky.

After a long time, he opened his mouth, “This is the sword of Zhong Liyue water? The dragon-shaped sword, named Zhanqiong, he is out.” At this point, Song Lianyi’s charming face sank suddenly, " He’s all gone, hasn’t Fang Chaozhou been found yet?"

All the maids knelt on the ground immediately, “Please forgive me. The slaves not only searched the Shuiying Courtyard, but also searched the places where Heavenly Water Sect could enter, but… they didn’t find Fang Chaozhou.”

Song Lianyi’s brows frowned and tightened. After a while, he threw the silk ball fan in his hand on the ground, turned and entered the room, and said: “Pack your things and leave Heavenly Water Sect first.”

In addition to Song Lianyi’s attention to Longyin, many people have also noticed, such as the elder of Erzhifeng who has always been simple. He heard the roar of the dragon, got up from the stone bed where he was sitting, and walked out of the room.

Looking at the sky for a while, the sound transmission note on his body suddenly lit up. After he heard the words in the sound transmission note, his face changed a lot, and he hurriedly contacted several elders from other peaks. Before long, all the four peak elders gathered except for Yizhifeng elder Cheng Hongyi.

The fourth elder spoke first, “Xue Danrong has just crossed the thunder tribulation, and he has gone to take care of him.”

The second elder looked solemn, “The disciple who just descended to the demon prison gave me a voice transmission, saying that the master went there.”

As soon as these words were said, everyone’s expressions changed, and the three elders even muttered to themselves, “Could it be what I wanted to do?”

“Yes.” The second elder directly cut off his thoughts, “Although the disciples guarding there can’t enter the Demon Prison, they heard screams from inside. Master, he…”

He didn’t finish, as if he couldn’t go on, he just shook his head.

The Fifth Elder frowned, and then answered his words, “Master, did he kill in a big way? How could this happen again? Isn’t there Cha Bai?”

The other three people were silent when they heard the words of the five elders, because they all thought of a past, a past that happened hundreds of years ago.

Their master Zhong Liyue has a very high water cultivation level, and no one in the world can resist it, but it does not mean that the number one person in the world has no weakness. The higher the cultivation level, the more terrifying if evil thoughts breed.

An incident happened in Zhong Liyue Water hundreds of years ago. When a few of them received the news and rushed to the Demon Prison, it had become a purgatory on earth.

All the monsters in the prison of descending demon are the evil spirits who do harm to the world and have not changed after repeated instruction.

But on that day, the blood of descending the demon prison flowed all over the place, and the master they had always admired turned white clothes into black clothes. Because the white clothes were stained with too much blood, the blood dried up and turned brown, deepening layer by layer, and finally turned into a black cloth.

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