Chapter 108

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After half a tea time.

Fang Chaozhou sat on the edge of the bed, and carefully wiped the head of the cat in front of him with a wet towel. The white cat is very cooperative, does not struggle, just keeps purring. After Fang Chaozhou helped him wipe his head, he took the initiative to rub his head against Fang Chaozhou’s hands.

Fang Chaozhou was a little surprised by the white cat’s excessive closeness. In his impression, all cats should be cold. Why is this cat more enthusiastic than a dog?

However, now is not the time to think about cats, he should think about where this is and how he can leave here.

The room he was in looked a little strange. Whether it was the floor tiles or the decorations in the room, it was all white, including the cat in front of him.

Just when Fang Chaozhou wanted to get up and go out to take a look at the situation outside, someone came in first.

The footsteps were very light, the sound of soft-soled shoes falling on the jade bricks.

Fang Chaozhou couldn’t help looking at the place where the footsteps came from, and soon saw a figure, the person from yesterday. But the other’s face seemed even worse than yesterday.

Zhong Liyue walked to the bed and handed the porcelain bowl in his hand to Fang Chaozhou. His voice did not fluctuate, “Drink this.”

Fang Chaozhou glanced at the porcelain bowl. The bowl seemed to contain medicine, but it smelled of medicine and blood.

“What is this?” he asked hesitantly.

“Medicine.” Zhong Liyue said coldly.

Fang Chaozhou paused, loosened the towel in his hand, and silently took the porcelain bowl from the opponent. He tried to take a sip and almost vomited. This thing is worse than the one you drank during the robbery. It is not only bitter, but also a fishy smell. The smell of that fishy smell makes people uncomfortable. Drinking it makes the stomach feel tumbling.

Fang Chaozhou frowned and looked at the porcelain bowl in his hand, and then looked at the Zhong Liyue water. Seeing that the other’s eyes were cold, he finally pinched his nose and abruptly poured the medicine in the porcelain bowl. As soon as he poured it in, he raised his hand to cover his lips again to prevent himself from vomiting.

When he finally didn’t want to vomit that much, he just put down his hand when he heard the other person say: “After drinking, go to the medicinal bath.”

Fang Chaozhou was taken aback, he couldn’t help looking at the man in front of him, “I…”

But before he finished speaking, the other party turned and walked out. Fang Chaozhou looked at the back of the other person leaving, and was even more stunned. At this time, the white cat sitting on his lap screamed.

The white cat jumped off his lap, walked a few steps forward, and looked back at him, as if waiting for him.

Fang Chaozhou felt that he understood what the other party meant, so he supported the bed with his hands and slowly stood up. He still doesn’t feel very well. It’s different from the original pain. Today’s pain is a dull pain.

He didn’t walk fast because of the pain. The white cat was really waiting for him. After walking a few steps, he stopped and waited for him. It led Fang Chaozhou out.

Fang Chaozhou was so dizzy here yesterday that he almost didn’t see anything. When he got out of the house, he found that not only the inside of the house was white, but even the outside was white.

[BL] Transmigrated into a Heartthrob Novel and Went OOCWhere stories live. Discover now