Chapter 124

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The residence of the big brother is not far away, and Fang Chaozhou will arrive in a while. He stood outside the residence of the senior brother, and before he spoke to others, he found that the barrier of the residence of the senior brother had been removed.

The big brother found him coming.

Fang Chaozhou saw this and walked in.

After entering, Fang Chaozhou found that this place was different from before. Once he entered, he could see the lotus leaves and red lotus in the lake. Although the big brother is a rough man, he especially likes flowers and plants, and uses his spiritual power to maintain the undefeated red lotus for a whole year.

Not only that, but there were also sweet-scented osmanthus trees, peach trees, etc. in his residence. Fang Chaozhou originally received the peaches sent by him, but now, whether it was the red lotus in the lake or the trees on both sides, all of them died.

Fang Chaozhou was surprised, and went to the senior brother’s bedroom. When he walked to the door, he raised his hand and knocked on the door, “Big brother.”

It was quiet inside, like no one.

Fang Chaozhou paused, then shouted: “It’s me, Fang Chaozhou, big brother, I’m back.”

When this sound came out, there was finally movement inside.

“Second Junior Brother…” The voice of the person inside was hoarse and unpleasant, “Go, I have no face to see you.”

Fang Chaozhou immediately said: “I’m not going. I haven’t found the big brother to settle the account. How can I go? The big brother must buy me fifty scripts and 50 catties of snacks, so I will forgive the big brother.”

When the words fell, silence returned in the room.

Fang Chaozhou turned around, leaned his back against the door, raised his voice and said, “You won’t be so stingy? You won’t buy me any of these things. Brother, I’ve quit storage now and become a pauper. Master certainly doesn’t. You will buy me notebooks and snacks, but you will buy them for me. If you don’t buy them for me, how can I live?”

He muttered, the door behind him suddenly opened, Fang Chaozhou staggered, and quickly stood up straight and turned around, but when he turned, he was stunned.

The big brother is much older than Fang Chaozhou, but because he is a monk, he looks like a elder brother, but now this elder brother has white sideburns. If he is placed among mortals, he is ten years old. the above.

The big brother looked at Chaozhou above, although there were surprises in his eyes, but there was also guilt, and he couldn’t help lowering his head. Five years ago, he chose to abandon Fang Chaozhou and took Xue Danrong and the Sixth Junior Brother away, and he kept choking in his heart.

Fang Chaozhou is almost the child he brought up, and if it is true, it is just like his brother. For five years, he could not help but think of Fang Chaozhou, even in his dreams, dreaming of Fang Chaozhou questioning him, asking him why he wanted to abandon him.

As the big brother of Yizhifeng, he had to consider the overall situation, but when he knew that Fang Chaozhou had been underground for ten days, the life card was broken in two, and he couldn’t help thinking, if he hadn’t thrown the Chaozhou down below, Can Fang Chaozhou be rescued? If he believed Xue Danrong on the way back and returned to the underground demon realm, would he be able to bring Fang Chaozhou out?

These thoughts were like sins, weighing heavily on his heart, so that he could not breathe. Although no one from Master or others blamed him, he could not pass that level by himself. He always remembered that when Fang Chaozhou was very young, he followed him every day and called his big brother.

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