Chapter 129

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Fang Chaozhou squeezed into the crowd with great difficulty. It was because many outside disciples in the crowd recognized him and got away. As soon as he squeezed in, he saw Xue Danrong sitting behind the table.

Xue Danrong wears a Heavenly Water Sect disciple suit, looks like Jiyue Qingfeng, Zhilan Yushu. Although he was surrounded by crowds, everyone was at a distance from him, and no one dared to be very close. When he saw Fang Chaozhou suddenly arrived, his eyes lit up coldly just now, and he stood up suddenly and walked towards Fang Chaozhou.


Fang Chaozhou did not hold Xue Danrong’s hand extended. After all, there are so many people here. He took the lead to walk behind the table, “You really helped me select disciples. I was joking with you yesterday. This job is already tired, you As a result, these juniors and siblings all want to ask you for advice, I am afraid that the sunrise will not end the next day.”

Xue Danrong said: “But brother was very tired yesterday.”

“It’s okay, I’m full. You go back and I’ll come here.” Fang Chaozhou sat down on the chair, looked at the crowded crowd in front of him, looked at the names on the register, and called the next one by the name.

After he reviewed the qualifications of a junior sister, he found that Xue Danrong was still next to him. He thought about it and sent a message privately to the other party, “I want to eat something delicious today. To celebrate your coming back, you can help me buy some. "

Xue Danrong’s eyes moved, and he nodded, “Okay.”

Fang Chaozhou finally sent the people away. As soon as Xue Danrong left, there were not so many people in front of him. Upon seeing this, Fang Chaozhou couldn’t help shaking his head, but he felt normal again.

Who doesn’t want to see the most beautiful woman in the world at close range?

Before Xue Dan blended into the demon, his whole body temperament made people chill, so at the time in the school, no disciple dared to make a mistake, and Xue Danrong didn’t dare to look at it. Now Xue Danrong is well, and he has become a beautiful little junior. Although he is still thousands of miles away, his temperament has changed, so everyone dare to look at him.

When Fang Chaozhou was selected in the afternoon, Xue Danrong came and wanted to change Fang Chaozhou back to rest, but when Fang Chaozhou saw Xue Danrong coming, the crowd seemed to squeeze over again and forced them away.

At the end of the day of selection, Fang Chaozhou was too tired. In order to exercise his disciples' physique, Heavenly Water Sect did not allow disciples to fly with swords in the sect. He dragged his tired body back slowly, and before long, he saw the person standing under the tree.

It is Xue Danrong.

Xue Danrong came to pick him up.

When Fang Chaozhou saw Xue Danrong, he had no psychological burden to lean on him, “It’s so tired, how could there be anything more tiring than practicing?”

Xue Danrong stretched out his hand to support Fang Chaozhou, he could see the tiredness on Fang Chaozhou’s face, “I will carry my senior back home.”

Fang Chaozhou shook his head without thinking, “No, I am so heavy, and what if someone sees it?”

“I use the invisibility technique, no one can see it. Besides, brother is not important, don’t I know?” Xue Danrong squatted down in front of Fang Chaozhou, “Brother, come up.”

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