Chapter 79

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Through the vivid and vivid narration of the brown horse chicken, Fang Chaozhou knew that he still had some troubles.

Five years ago, he was in the Underground Demon Realm, and Xue Danrong, the number one beauty in the world, had no enchantment in broad daylight, and just turned over and over in the cave.

“I was shocked when I saw it at the time, but the next day, you had an accident because you saved him.” Brown Maji said and shook his head. “Your teacher guarded him tightly. You didn’t even fall into the ground. People control you.”

After speaking, it stared at Fang Chaozhou, wondering if the other party would be surprised or disappointed, but he only heard Fang Chaozhou’s oh, so he put the water system magic weapon bought before on the table, almost squeezing it out of place station.

This unremarkable response greatly disappointed Brown Horse Chicken. It pulled its claws and squeezed it to its magic weapon, forced a place in the middle of the table for it to nest, and then squinted to see Fang Chaozhou swing the magic weapon.

After all, it is a small town. There are only three top grades in this pile of water magic weapons, and the rest are middle and low grades. Fang Chaozhou bought so many water magic weapons in order to absorb the water spiritual power inside. After absorption, maybe the problem of vines in his body could be solved.

On the same day, Fang Chaozhou tentatively sucked three low-grade water magic weapons. The water spiritual power in the magic weapons was sucked away by him, and the magic weapons became waste products.

After inhaling, Fang Chaozhou endured his drowsiness and observed his body reaction until late at night. He did not notice that his body was dry, so he thought it was the magic weapon that had the effect, and Shushutan took a bath and fell asleep.

But in the middle of the night, he woke up because his body was too dry.

Fang Chaozhou sat up abruptly, lifted the quilt and got out of bed to get a kettle. The brown horse chicken sleeping on the quilt of Fang Chaozhou was lifted up with its claws up to the sky. It thought it was attacked. It turned over and opened its eyes. The result was that Fang Chaozhou was drinking water in tons of land.

Fang Chaozhou finished drinking the water, still feeling dry, so he took out the magic weapon of the water system he bought before, and started to absorb water magically.

Fang Chaozhou didn’t stop until all the magic weapons of the water system were exhausted. Seeing him stop, the brown horse jumped off the bed and onto the table. It looked at Fang Chaozhou lying on the table.

“All right?”

“The body is better, the mind is not so good.” Fang Chaozhou’s voice was tired.

“How do you say?” Brown Horse Chicken asked.

Fang Chaozhou tilted his head to look at the discarded waste products, half an hour ago, these things were still shining magic weapons. Because his body was too dry and he wanted water, he sucked up nearly 20 magic weapons at once, plus the three he sucked before going to bed, which is already more than 20.

Among them are three more expensive top-grade magic weapons.

If these magic weapons can cure his illness, he just checked the Sea of ​​Consciousness. The baby in the Sea of ​​Consciousness is still gnawing on the vines. While gnawing, he aggrieved and said to him: “Not enough, too enough.”

Did he raise a gluttonous cub in the Sea of ​​Consciousness?

Can’t afford it!

At this speed, he would soon become a pauper.

[BL] Transmigrated into a Heartthrob Novel and Went OOCWhere stories live. Discover now