Chapter 11

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Just crawling back, it was more difficult than climbing out, Fang Chaozhou hung on the wine glass, unable to go up or down, and became a wine glass pendant.

Sect Master Lin next to him laughed, “I’ll look at people’s eyes and open up my wit, but it’s not high.”

Fang Chaozhou, whose IQ was questioned, did not continue climbing when he heard this. Forget it, just hang on here. It is also a wine snake when he crawls back.

Seeing Fang Chaozhou hanging on the wine glass, Li Yiye stared directly at the Peony Ring below, regardless of him. With this scorching look, even Sect Master Lin next to him noticed something strange, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he used his chopsticks to tease Fang Chaozhou on the wine glass.

Sect Master Lin took the chopsticks to poke Fang Chaozhou’s head. Seeing Fang Chaozhou couldn’t help opening his mouth and biting the chopsticks, he immediately lifted the chopsticks up, and after several times, Fang Chaozhou completely pretended to be dead, and he didn’t respond anymore.

Sect Master Lin’s interest didn’t fade, so he took away his chopsticks, and teased him with the Xue Ling Guo next to him. Xuelingguo is a very rare spirit fruit in the cultivation world. It has a price and no market. Fang Chaozhou has been admired for a long time, but he has never tasted it. Once he smells the taste of Xuelingguo, he can’t help it. Sovereign’s fingers turned.

Wherever the fingers holding Xue Lingguo turn, his head will follow.

Sect Master Lin, who was half amused, suddenly felt a gaze staring at him, turned his head and saw that it was Li Yiye, smiled awkwardly, and then Fang Chaozhou took the opportunity to lift his head and bit his hand. Snow Lingguo.

After biting, Fang Chaozhou wanted to swallow it, but unfortunately, as soon as he held it in his mouth, his head was patted heavily.

The Xue Lingguo was gone.

Fang Chaozhou watched the Xue Lingguo in his mouth fall into the glass, sighed in his heart, really wanted to eat it, but forgot it, just the intensity, he didn’t need to think about it, he knew it was taken by the big demon Li Yiye. .

If the other party doesn’t let him eat, then don’t eat it. Anyway, if you just swallowed it in your mouth, you can taste it.

Fortunately, after Li Yiye prevented Fang Chaozhou from eating Xue Ling Guo, he once again focused on the following. Fang Chaozhou didn’t know how long he had been hanging on the glass. He wanted to try to unlock the spells on his body, but he thought about it again. If it was unlocked, wouldn’t everyone know that the one hanging here was Heavenly Water Sect? Fang Chaozhou?

No, he wants face too.

After hanging up for a long time, alcoholic strength grew more and more, Fang Chaozhou was dizzy and couldn’t hold it anymore, so he tried to make a circle around the edge of the wine glass.

Halfway around, I suddenly heard footsteps, and more than one person’s. He turned his head to look, and saw someone walking down the jade white stairs step by step, among them Xue Danrong. Xue Danrong was wearing a light cyan Heavenly Water Sect disciple suit today, holding a Breaking Water Sword, Zhilan Yushu, and a lost appearance. Obviously a group of people came together, but almost everyone was on his body.

The top ten has been decided, Xue Danrong took the fifth place, although he did not get the first, but this is his first time to participate in the cultivation conference. According to the rules, the great expert in the judging panel will take turns to comment on the top ten monks in the cultivation conference, which can be regarded as a guide. If there are younger generations who are particularly admired, it is also common for individuals to give special magic weapons.

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