Chapter 126

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The guest in white walked to the bed. The young man on the bed was still asleep, probably because he had drunk and was too hot, his arms were exposed, and his cheeks were still burning hot. The white-clothed guest stared for a while, and Fang sat down by the bed. He first took the young man’s hands and spread them out. Seeing that there were no scars, he put them in the quilt, then lifted the quilt at the end of the bed, and held the young man His legs are exposed.

He rolled up the young man’s trouser legs and saw that his knees were white and there was no injury at all, his expression was obvious, and the ointment he held in his right hand seemed very redundant.

I don’t know how long it took, the white-clothed guest lowered his eyes, put away the ointment, and was about to put down the young man’s trouser legs again, when a thunder suddenly sounded outside, the sound was too loud, and the drunk people were awakened.

When the white guest met the young man’s opened eyes, his lips were slightly pressed, and the next moment, he got up to leave, but when he turned around, his sleeves were caught.

“Don’t… go.” The young man’s sleepy voice came from behind.

In fact, the hand that grabbed his sleeve didn’t have much strength, and he could break away with a slight stroke, but he just stopped in place, even following the strength of the opponent’s pulling, and turned his head. Smoked by the wine, Fang Chaozhou not only has red eyes, but also the corners of his eyes, like a peach blossom crushed and painted on it.

He grabbed the sleeve of the person next to the bed, because he didn’t have much strength, his arm slipped down, but when the sleeve was about to slip out of his palm, he suddenly raised his hand and grasped again.

Zhong Liyue looked down at the hand holding his sleeve, slowly raised his hand to hold it. He wrapped the hand, and then slowly pulled it apart to let it loose his sleeve.

He held the hand and put it under the quilt again, but as soon as he put it in, Fang Chaozhou stretched out his hand again.

“Hot.” Fang Chaozhou said vaguely. He grabbed Zhong Liyue Shui’s sleeve again, not only holding it, but also pulling it toward himself.

Without pulling, he blinked tiredly and kicked his legs, “It hurts.”

Zhong Liyue Shui followed the words and looked at Fang Chaozhou’s leg, “Where does it hurt?”

“The wound hurts.” Fang Chaozhou kicked his leg again, and Zhong Liyue watched his movements, as if a sigh overflowed from his lips. He sat down by the bed, took out the previous ointment, and applied another medicine to the knee that was no longer visible.

In fact, Fang Chaozhou fell in the afternoon and treated his wounds after taking a shower. The fifth junior brother Du Yunxi sent a lot of medicines before, and he also sent a bunch of medicines to heal skin injuries. However, after rubbing it twice, the wound was completely healed, and there was no trace of it.

Half of Zhong Liyue was on the water medicine, his body stiffened, he looked down at the young man who was lying on his lap. Fang Chaozhou was resting on Zhong Liyue’s legs, and one hand pinched the sleeves of Zhong Liyue’s water. The thunder outside disappeared, leaving only the sound of rain.

He listened to the patter of rain outside, half-closed his eyes, “It’s raining.”

Zhong Liyue Shui looked at Fang Chaozhou for a moment before putting his mind on the opponent’s lap again, “Yeah.”

“Is it cool outside?” Fang Chaozhou said again.


Fang Chaozhou raised his eyes and looked at Zhong Liyue from the gap between his sleeves, “Why do you only say um, do you know others?”

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