Chapter 38

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Fang Chaozhou paused, turning his eyes to look at the seductive woman in front of him. He leaned to the side and pushed away the other person’s hands on his shoulders. “The candle shouldn’t drip. I have always been sleeping well, without insomnia. angry.”

Song Lianyi twisted her brows when she heard the words, “Insomnia?”

“Isn’t your candle a sleep aid?” Fang Chaozhou asked innocently.

The last time he was dripped, he was confused for several days and couldn’t sleep enough.

“Who told you that it is a sleep aid.” Song Lianyi understood at this time, and her eyes suddenly became vicious. “Fang Chaozhou, you dare to play with me, today I will let you taste my skills.”

When Fang Chaozhou saw his eyes change, he guessed that Song Lianyi was about to do something, and he was about to break the barrier of the opponent immediately. It was just that the barrier was halfway through, and he saw a vegetable vendor carrying a burden passing by.

Song Lianyi’s spell has been cast. This is not the realm of cultivation. The people here are all mortal wombs, but they can’t withstand the spread of spells. Therefore, Fang Chaozhou didn’t break the barrier, but instead added a barrier to this shop. , And then hurriedly avoided Song Lianyi’s spell.

Song Lianyi saw him avoiding, another spell, but Fang Chaozhou avoided all his spells.

The last time Fang Chaozhou was tied up by Song Lianyi, it was because the big demon Li Yiye restricted his cultivation. During this time, he was forced to make up classes, and it was no problem to defeat Song Lianyi.

So even though he didn’t fight back, he all hid in it. His original intention was to calm down the situation. He didn’t know that Song Lianyi was completely offended, and he took out the magic weapon of his life.

Song Lianyi’s magic weapon is an incense burner. The incense burner is copper-red, about the size of a palm, half a forearm length, and extremely finely carved. The two beautiful beauties on it are vivid, as if they could walk down the incense burner.

When Fang Chaozhou saw that censer, he secretly said that it was not good. He immediately wanted to use magic to overturn the copper-red censer in Song Lianyi’s hand, but he forgot that someone had been watching the battle.

The girl who opened the curtain and walked out sprinkled a handful of things on Fang Chaozhou’s face. In an instant, Fang Chaozhou couldn’t see anything, and his spells were naturally skewed.

When Fang Chaozhou could see clearly, he found that he was no longer in the rouge shop.


It seems that he was caught inside the incense burner.

Song Lianyi’s censer was made by his mother who searched for treasures all over the world and invited the best casting power. This incense burner appeared once in the original book, but that time almost impressed all readers.

Because that big chapter of the incense burner scene exposed Xue Danrong’s mind for the first time.

Song Lianyi in the original book sucked Xue Danrong into the incense burner, thus creating five illusions in it. There will be a person in each illusion. That person is the person who impressed Xue Danrong the most. Whether he hates it or likes it, he can appear in the illusion as long as he ranks among the top five impressive in his mind.

The sort of illusion is that the person with the least impression of the top five ranks first, and so on, the last illusion appears in the trapped person the most impressive.

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