Chapter 70

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Fang Chaozhou sighed, then he stretched out his hand to take the boy next to him into his arms–

But he didn’t hug, he paused, increased his strength, and hugged again, but still didn’t hug.

Therefore, Fang Chaozhou had no choice but to retreat. The mountain was not just me, I came to the mountain, he took the initiative to move forward, and he just stretched out a hand to pat the other side’s back.

“Baby, why are you so miserable! The men you attract basically have strange habits, but it’s not your fault to look beautiful. Dad believes you. As long as you choose carefully, you will surely pick a good man who treats others sincerely. "

Xue Danrong turned his face to look at Fang Chaozhou who was trying to comfort him by patting him on the back. When Fang Chaozhou wanted to withdraw his hand, he first stretched out his hand. He gathered the young man into his arms with only a slight close, “I really don’t understand what the brother said, can you explain to me one by one?

Because of this hug, cold fragrance lost Fang Chaozhou.

Before he knew it, the boy was much taller than before. To be precise, Xue Danrong at this time was between a boy and a young man. The childishness between the eyebrows has not completely dissipated, and the facial features are more beautiful than before.

Fang Chaozhou didn’t seem to notice that he was getting too close to Xue Danrong at this time, far beyond the distance that normal brothers should have. When he heard what the other person said, he nodded, “You ask.”

“Baby? Is it me?” Xue Danrong asked.

Fang Chaozhou nodded when he heard the words. He was right. Xue Danrong, as the protagonist of the original novel he was chasing, could call the other party a cub. After all, he had subscribed and left comments, and even the nutrient solution was irrigated.

“What does the word father mean?” Xue Danrong asked again.

Fang Chaozhou answered this question quickly, “Dad is what Dad meant.”

Xue Danrong heard this, lowered his eyes, and said nothing for a while. Fang Chaozhou finally noticed that he was hugged, and started to struggle. While struggling, he said: “Cub, don’t hold your dad like this, it seems I am not mighty at all!”

The mighty Fang Chaozhou did not struggle a few times, because Xue Danrong began to ask the next question.

“Brother, did Grandmaster hit you on the hip?”

Fang Chaozhou nodded almost immediately, and gave Xue Danrong a sign of how long he used to hit his ruler. “Stop a ruler so long, just hit his leg the first time, and then his hand and butt. Zhong. Liyue has no trace of hitting people with water. Even if you go to sue, there is nowhere to sue. Although he will give you the medicine himself, it still hurts.

Xue Danrong’s eyes became gloomy, “Master will still help senior brother with medicine? Even… buttocks are also medicine?”


As soon as Fang Chaozhou’s words were over, his wrist was clasped. He looked at the grasped hand unclearly. He raised his head and wanted to ask why the other party was holding his hand. But when he raised his head, the boy who was close at hand The color ran into his eyes.

The cinnabar mole on the center of the young boy’s eyebrows was burning like a flame, and the phoenix eyes under the black eyebrows were drawn like a fine brush stroke, with Qiong nose and vermilion lips, and his face white.

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