Chapter 78

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A few days later, in a small town.

The boss standing behind the counter looked at the young man in front of him, and then at the “chicken” walking back and forth on his counter.

The young man was dressed in cyan clothes, and his face was tightly covered by the drapery on his head. The only thing he showed was his hands, but his hands only showed his fingertips.

Peeking at someone with your hand, you can tell that this person is extremely white, not like a master who has suffered. It is estimated that it is the son of a big sect or family.

And the “chicken” stepping on the counter looks pretty airy, with two cinnabar red cheeks, white ear feathers inlaid beside it, the front and middle section of the tail feathers are silvery white, and the ends are purple and blue.

I have never seen this kind of “chicken”. I don’t know if it is the food or the pet, but no matter which one it is, it should be expensive.

The boss quickly assessed the situation of the visitors, and said with a smile: “The guest officer has come to the right place. The magic weapon in our store is complete, not inferior to those big cities. Even Xianglian City can be compared. Just don’t know. What type of water magic weapon does the guest officer want? Is it an attack type like spirit bottle or a defensive type like water tulle?”

When the words fell, he heard the young man in front of him speaking in an unhurried voice.


The boss was overjoyed, “Is both the spirit bottle and the water tulle? Then I will bring it to the guest officer now.”

The young man opened his mouth again, “No, I mean the magic weapon in your store, I want it.” As he said, he took out a big bag of spirit stones. When the spirit stone was put down, it even made a “boom” sound.

After a cup of tea, the boss watched the young man go out holding the chicken. As soon as the person left, he pinched himself. It’s not a dream, it’s a real rich man who bought all the magic weapons of the water system in his store, regardless of the difference in quality or the good quality, anyway, none of them were let go.

The people and “chickens” who bought the water system magic weapons were Fang Chaozhou and the brown horse chicken. They went down from the mountain to the nearest town and went straight to the magic weapons shop to buy the water system magic weapons.

Because of Fang Chaozhou’s problems, Brown Horse Chicken gave a solution.

“You swallowed the wood-type big demon, and the big demon grows by water, so after you swallow it, you also need water. If water can’t be solved, you can buy a water-type magic weapon.”

So when Fang Chaozhou’s physical strength almost recovered, they went down the mountain.

Fang Chaozhou, who had bought the magic weapon of the water system, wanted to try early if the magic weapon of the water system could solve his problem. He looked around and saw that a flag was hung up not far away, with the word inn written on it, and he passed by with the brown horse chicken.

But unexpectedly, they were stopped as soon as they entered the inn.

Xiao Er Fang Chaozhou smiled, and then lowered his head slightly, his eyes fell on the brown horse chicken that Fang Chaozhou had stolen between his arms, “The guest officer is sorry, we are not allowed to take out food here.”

As soon as the voice fell, the brown horse chicken yelled, “Blind your corns, which one of your eyes sees that this chicken is food? My demon chicken is a rare beast, do you understand? I don’t know the corns… Uhhhhhhhhh!”

[BL] Transmigrated into a Heartthrob Novel and Went OOCWhere stories live. Discover now