Chapter 101

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As soon as he walked to the inner room, Song Lianyi saw his two maids outside the door.

The maid nodded to him, he blinked, and entered a room next door.

This room is very unique, he let his people spend two days remodeling. A large part of the wall between the two connected rooms was opened and covered with colored glaze paintings.

Liuli painting is a kind of magical device, usually used in sexual intercourse, some people with special hobbies will like to peep at others and get pleasure.

It is too easy to be spotted by using magic techniques. It makes a small hole in a window or wall and can’t see clearly enough, so there is this thing.

This object is special. When viewed from the front, it is a painting composed of colored glaze, while viewed from the reverse, it is transparent, allowing people to see through the object and see the other side clearly.

As soon as Song Lianyi stopped on the reverse side of the Liuli painting, she saw people in another room.

The man did not sit on the bed, but chose to sit on a stool because one foot was taken off, and he was tilting that foot at this time, looking towards the door.

Song Lianyi’s eyes swept across the opponent’s face inch by inch, and then fell on that foot.

There are people who are incognito, who change their appearance, and who change their bodies, but there are almost none who change their feet. No one thinks that someone can recognize a person by recognizing his feet, but he can.

Song Lianyi breathed a lot faster when he put all the appearance of that foot in his eyes, and didn’t even miss the details. He shuddered slightly, staring at the foot with a good eye, and the two hands newly coated with Codan were unconsciously entangled together.

He was excited.

Fang Chaozhou waited in the room for a while. The more he waited, the more he felt a little strange. Did he miss the third round of the test? Is it really a test of temper?

The maids asked him to come over and asked him to take off his shoes and socks, saying that he was going to wash them. After they were dried, they would be brought over with the food for compensation, so he would wait here for a while.

But after waiting so long, it’s almost time for a stick of incense.

Fang Chaozhou, who felt strange, couldn’t sit still anymore. He took off his tired feet on the stool next to him. Just as the soles of his feet were placed on the cold floor tiles, he heard the sound of the door being pushed open before he stood up.

Hearing the sound, Fang Chaozhou quickly sat down again, because he felt that the person who came in must be a woman, so he shrank his feet and covered it with his robe.

“Are my shoes clean?” he asked slightly.

No one answered, only the sound of footsteps approaching.

Fang Chaozhou saw a figure appearing behind the veil, because he could only see the figure of the person through the layers of veil, but not his face.

The green jade fingers gently opened the veil, revealing a charming face.

Fang Chaozhou suddenly saw an unfamiliar woman in Chinese clothes. He was taken aback and couldn’t help standing up, “Are you?”

When Song Lianyi heard Fang Chaozhou’s question, she lowered her head and smiled, pacing into the veil, “You don’t know who I am?”

[BL] Transmigrated into a Heartthrob Novel and Went OOCWhere stories live. Discover now