Chapter 96

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The sky outside was completely dark, and only moonlight slowly came in from outside, but the moonlight only illuminated the outline of things in the classroom.

At the end of autumn, Heavenly Water Sect disappeared from the sounds of insects, song and birds, and looked extremely quiet, even worse tonight. When Fang Chaozhou got up, he felt that the sound of clothing rubbing was amplified several times.

He was standing at this time, looking at the people sitting not far away, and without hesitation, he walked out, thinking that he didn’t see it, just took a step, and listened to the voice.

“Where to go?”

Xue Danrong’s voice sounded very calm.

Fang Chaozhou paused, turned sideways slightly, his toes still facing outside, “Go back.”

After finishing those two words, there was no response. Fang Chaozhou looked at Xue Danrong, and said cautiously: “That disciple will go back first.”

After speaking, he drew his legs away, as if afraid that the other party would catch up.

Fang Chaozhou sprinted all the way. When the surroundings were getting darker and darker, he wanted to take out the Ye Mingzhu lamp, but the storage ring disappeared.

He rummaged his whole body, but did not find the storage ring. He sometimes gets sick in the middle of the night, if there is no water magic weapon in the storage ring, he can’t survive in the current state of Sea of ​​Consciousness.

He also took the Ye Mingzhu Lantern from the storage ring just now. If the storage is quit, he will only fall on the school and the road he has just walked.

Fang Chaozhou immediately searched all the way back, but there was nothing on the road. He searched all the way to the school, and in the end there was only one place left to find—

The classroom where he slept before.

The storage ring contains not only the magic weapon of the water system he has stocked, but also the 500,000 spiritual stones that he only got yesterday. If the storage ring is quit and picked up by someone else, he will become A complete pauper, a pauper who can’t live for a few days.

Last night he promised to take the brown horse chicken to eat delicious food.

Thinking of this, Fang Chaozhou gritted his teeth and gently touched the back door of the classroom. He opened the door and probed inside first.

There seems to be no one.

He inspected the entire classroom and saw no other people.

Fang Chaozhou entered the classroom immediately. He walked to the place where he slept before. Because the light was too dark, he needed to squat down to touch it. He touched the place where he slept, no.

Fang Chaozhou’s gaze fell on the table next to him again. He bent down and reached under the table. This posture was not easy to touch. He had to lower his upper body and tilt his hips to touch it.

As he tried to find the storage ring, he heard other sounds.

The sound of soft-soled boots stepping on the wooden board was very slight, but in this environment, it was clearly heard, especially when Fang Chaozhou’s face was very close to the floor.

Because of that voice, Fang Chaozhou’s whole person froze. Just when he imagined that he had misheard, the voice was approaching, getting closer and closer to him.

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