Chapter 36

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When Fang Chaozhou’s consciousness was completely awake, he was the only one left in the room.

He stared at the bed net for a while, then reached out and touched his hip.

No more pain…

After Fang Chaozhou blinked, he raised his hand to cover his face. He thought being beaten on the hip was already the most embarrassing thing, but he did not expect even more embarrassing things to happen.

Zhong Liyue Shui is really…too despicable. If he likes the younger brother, and now he is making a fuss, he is drugged in such a vague place by his rival, how can he have the face to pursue the younger brother?

As expected, he is an old man who has not known how many years he has lived, and his methods of combating rivals are very high-end.

Fang Chaozhou sat up abruptly, no, he can’t stay here anymore, he should leave early, and if he stays any longer, his body and mind will be more devastated.

However, the matter of leaving cannot be mentioned today, he does not want to see the face of Zhong Liyue for the time being.

Shame, too shame.

The next day, Fang Chaozhou got up early, and on the road to Zhong Liyue Water Garden, he oversaw the wording that he thought up last night and recited it several times.

But just outside the Zhong Liyue water courtyard, he accidentally saw Zhong Liyue water who was supposed to be in the room standing in the courtyard at this time.

When Zhong Liyue saw Fang Chaozhou, he spoke first, “You came just right. I have something to leave Huali Mountain for a while.”


Fang Chaozhou was stunned, and heard Zhong Liyue Shui continue talking.

“On the days I am away, you study through jade slips.” He glanced at the pile of jade slips on the jade table next to him, “I will test your homework when I come back to see if you have practiced seriously.”

Fang Chaozhou followed Zhong Liyue’s sight and saw the jade slips piled up as high as a hill. He couldn’t speak, but Zhong Liyue was about to leave. This is a great thing. It’s better to study harder than every day. The water is good at Zhong Liyue, so he nodded quickly, “Yes, Master.”

Zhong Liyue Shui saw Fang Chaozhou’s almost uncontrollable smile on the corners of his lips and twisted his eyebrows. He walked slowly in front of the opponent, and when he saw Fang Chaozhou’s body that was obviously frozen because of his approach, he made a cold voice. Spoke up.

“Fang Chaozhou, are you happy that I am leaving?”

Because he was too close, Fang Chaozhou began to lose control of his dizziness again. He couldn’t help but want to take two steps back, but just as he moved his steps, he heard Zhong Liyue’s voice getting colder and harsher.

“Returning? Do you want to be punished?”

These words made Fang Chaozhou stop abruptly. He squeezed himself secretly before replying: “No…Yes, Master.”

Zhong Liyue looked at the young man who was too scared to move, but his eyes became more displeased. “During the time I left, Cha Bai will supervise your study. If you are lazy, I will come back with you one by one. Liquidation.”

“Yes.” Fang Chaozhou lowered his head more and more.

Zhong Liyue water is gone.

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