Chapter 99

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Everyone didn’t believe it, but Fang Chaozhou insisted that he didn’t change his mouth and gave no evidence. Everyone couldn’t dig out anything new, so he turned his attention to other people, and squeezed others to sign up.

This is the first time that Fengyue nunnery has publicly recruited son-in-law and took the initiative to ask for Heavenly Water Sect. Originally, Heavenly Water Sect shouldn’t take care of this stuff, but the four elders accepted the gift and were happy and directly agreed. Set it up.

The recruiting of the son-in-law was very large. Of the twenty people in Fang Chaozhou’s class, eighteen were gone. Except for him, the rest was a nun.

Although those people couldn’t say anything at first, they actually signed up secretly. It was discovered that they all took time off on the day of the primary election. Not only did they take time off, but the teacher who taught them took time off.

Fang Chaozhou: “…”

He looked at the empty classroom and couldn’t help but put his eyes on the remaining female nuns like him. The female nun noticed Fang Chaozhou’s eyes. After looking back, he immediately picked up the textbook on the desk and walked outside the classroom. As he walked, he said, “I don’t live alone with a man with a fiancée. The gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.”

In an instant, only Fang Chaozhou was left in the classroom.

He had nothing to do, so he happily went back to Shuiying Courtyard.

On the second day, when Fang Chaozhou arrived in the classroom, a small group of people were already there. Before Fang Chaozhou took a seat, his former roommate said to him: “Fang Zhuo, have you signed up?”

“Is that Fengyue nunnery? I didn’t go.” Fang Chaozhou’s words fell, he was patted on the shoulder.

“Why don’t you go? We’ve all gone, and there are rewards for this registration, do you know? Everyone has a share. As long as you participate, you will get a hundred spirit stones. If you can make the second round, you will have a thousand spirit stones. If you enter the third round, you will have ten thousand spiritual stones. I heard that there are more in the fourth round, but it seems that no one has entered the fourth round.” The roommate patted Fang Chaozhou on the shoulder again, “Anyway, we It’s just going through the process, and you can just get the spirit stone. No matter how the master of Fengyue nunnery chooses, it is impossible to choose our kind of outside disciple.”

After hearing these words, Fang Chaozhou thought silently, if he enters the first round, how much food can he buy, and how much he can buy in the second round…

Although he has hundreds of thousands of deposits now, he doesn’t think it is too much.

“What are the choices in these rounds?” Fang Chaozhou asked.

The roommate shook his head, “I don’t know. We are all on a round trip. We just stood at the door and did nothing. We went to collect the money.”

Fang Chaozhou heard this and his mind became more active, and when he told the brown horse chicken about it, the brown horse chicken said–

“I also need to go!”

Fang Chaozhou: “…”

He looked at the breasted brown horse chicken on the table, doubting his hearing, “You just said you want to go too?”

“Of course, didn’t you say that you have money to sign up? Why can’t I also sign up to get the money, and I didn’t go for the money.” Brown horse chicken looked away from a distance, with a serious tone, “I have been out for so long. I haven’t encountered a beautiful hen, it’s time to lower the bar.”

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