Chapter 75

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“Tick to tick—”

Fang Chaozhou was awakened by the sound of water. He opened his eyes vaguely. Before he could tell where he was, he heard a gloomy voice.

“Finally woke up.”

He paused for a while and wanted to get up, when he found that his whole body was aching badly, as if something heavy was crushing all over him, especially his legs, which seemed to be unconscious and could not move at all.

He raised his elbows for a while, then fell back.

“Don’t move, your bones and muscles are broken, you have to keep it for a while.” The gloomy voice sounded again, and when the voice stopped, there was another rustling sound.

Something is crawling over.

Fang Chaozhou looked for his reputation, and saw a vine crawling towards him. He remembered the tragic deaths of the previous demons. He couldn’t help holding it back with his hands. Only after climbing a little, he was reprimanded.

“Climb what? If you climb for a while, your body will be useless, I just swallow it to save trouble.”

Fang Chaozhou was stunned for a moment. At this time, the vine had already climbed up to him. Unlike the magic repair before the scroll, the vine climbed next to him and did not wrap him up, but stopped.

“Bite the skin and drink the juice inside.”

The voice sounded again.

Fang Chaozhou looked at the soil-stained vines, he couldn’t help but pursed his lower lip, and said slowly, “Can I ask a few questions?”


Fang Chaozhou said: “…Then you just kill me.”

After a dead silence.

“You ask.” This time, the voice became obviously impatient, and even the vines in front of Fang Chaozhou slapped the ground impatiently. With this shot, there was more dirt on the vines, and Fang Chaozhou’s unmoving expression turned his head to the side.

“What does the sap in the vine do?” Fang Chaozhou asked the first question.

Fang Chaozhou had been carefully looking around when asking questions. This place was a bit like a sealed cave, the light was very dim, and the only thing shining was the celadon umbrella that fell with him.

The celadon umbrella was lying next to him at this time, glowing with a blue light, slightly illuminating the area he was in.

The place where the vines protruded was dark, Fang Chaozhou couldn’t see clearly, but he guessed that the thing that caught him in should be there, and the sound of ticking water came from there. The other party caught him, not only didn’t kill him directly, but also waited for him to wake up. It seemed that he should be of some use to the other party.

“You can heal your broken bones. If you have any questions, please ask.”

Fang Chaozhou looked at the vines on the ground, “Then can I wash it before drinking it?”

The vine that was beating the ground gave a violent stop, and then there was anger in the voice, “You dare to pick and choose, do you think you are here as a guest? Don’t think I…”

“Then you kill me.” Fang Chaozhou lay flat silently, put his hands on his abdomen, and assumed an extremely peaceful posture.

“…Wash it.”

[BL] Transmigrated into a Heartthrob Novel and Went OOCWhere stories live. Discover now