Chapter 25

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Only the sound of water sounded.

Fang Chaozhou didn’t expect that Xue Danrong would suddenly pull him. Under his instability, he fell directly onto the opponent’s body. The Ye Mingzhu lamp in his hand fell into the water, and he sank with two “grunts”.

The surroundings suddenly darkened.

Fang Chaozhou knelt down on Xue Danrong’s body, pressing one hand on Xue Danrong’s leg, and pushing the other hand into the pool water. The cold instantly followed his hand up.

He took a breath, and immediately wanted to stand up, but the hand holding his arm moved away from the arm to the waist, tightly tightened, and prevented him from getting up at all.

“Little Junior Brother, what’s the matter with you?” Fang Chaozhou was shivering with cold, his teeth trembling.

Zhichunzhou is cold enough at night, and colder in the cold pool.

The boy who was yelled by him turned a deaf ear, and only looked at him straight, seeing Fang Chaozhou’s heart raspy.

The night black wind is high, this is the younger brother in front of him, right?

Are there ghosts in the world of cultivation?

Thinking of this possibility, Fang Chaozhou stretched out his hand to touch Xue Danrong’s carotid artery. In such cold weather, he could only touch the carotid artery to feel the pulsation fastest.

There is a pulsation in the carotid artery, which means there is a heartbeat, and a heartbeat means it is not a ghost.

Fingers wandered between the hoarfrost-stained neck, and just when Fang Chaozhou’s fingertips were about to press down, the hand on the waist was hard, and Fang Chaozhou and the boy in front of him fell into the water together.

After falling in, Fang Chaozhou immediately remembered, it was too cold, but Xue Danrong pressed him firmly.

In the cold pool, Fang Chaozhou was so cold that his brain was down. He couldn’t even perform spells. He just wanted to push away the person in front of him. After seeing that he couldn’t push away, he could only hug the person on his body, like Like a koala.

To die together!

Just when Fang Chaozhou thought he would freeze to death in the cold pool, the boy he was hugging suddenly moved.

Xue Danrong sat up from the water, and the Fang Chaozhou who was holding Xue Danrong tightly also sat up, but he was completely sitting on the boy now.

The cold water dripped down his cheeks and long hair. Fang Chaozhou was so cold that he couldn’t even say a word, so he could only part his lips and breathe hard.

He really felt like he was going to die.

The cold made him lose his ability to think, so when the boy’s lips came over, he couldn’t react, but looked at each other in fear.

The boy’s kiss was messy and unskilled. Fang Chaozhou, who was bitten by the boy’s teeth for several bites, didn’t return to his consciousness, but the pain came into place first, and it hurt him to inhale.

The boy’s movements gave a sudden, and then he gently licked the bite and painful place.

After a while, Fang Chaozhou finally recovered. He immediately stretched out his hand to block the young boy’s lips, shaking his voice and said, “Little Junior Brother, shall we go back? Go back, and I will do whatever you want. "

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