Chapter 37

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Hu Xiang slowly squeezed the handkerchief in his hand, turned his head and smiled apologetically to Fang Chaozhou, “Hu Xiang is useless. It is really Hu Xiang’s fault to make the Jiuhuangshu uncle worry about me. Today, the Jiuhuangshushu returned to Beijing and he must go first. Meet with Grandpa Emperor, and when Jiuhuangshu is free another day, Hu Xiang will host another dinner to apologize to Jiuhuangshu.”

Fang Chaozhou immediately refused, “No need to have a banquet, I have already bigu, eating mortal food is useless, but harmful.” He looked behind him, and the group of people saw the pedestrian Hu Xiang come out, and now they all kneel Going down, “Let’s stop here, let’s go in quickly.”

Hu Xiang nodded lightly, “Then invite Uncle Nine Emperors to the sedan chair.”

When the words fell, several people came over with a soft sedan chair. Fang Chaozhou looked at the few people who carried the sedan chair. After thinking for a while, he tentatively asked, “Why don’t you all sit on my flying sword? It’s very fast.”

“Okay.” Hu Xiang didn’t change his face when he heard Fang Chaozhou’s words, and raised his hand to stop the person next to him who wanted to say something.

Seeing the agreement of the other party, Fang Chaozhou immediately made his flying sword bigger. He got on the sword first, and then reached out to help the front Huxiang. Hu Xiang saw the hand stretched in front of him, and his long eyelashes trembled before putting his hand on it.

As soon as Fang Chaozhou held Hu Xiang’s hand, he pulled the person up, asked him to find a place to stand, and stretched out his hand to pull another person. When Hu Xiang saw Fang Chaozhou’s movements, his eyes changed, and when the next person saw Hu Xiang’s eyes, he immediately stepped back, “The Nine Princes are polite, the Weichen and others will not sit on flying swords. We will go back in a sedan chair later.”

Fang Chaozhou persuaded a few words, saying that his flying sword is fast and will arrive soon, but those people are unwilling to come up, he feels that time is not good, and those people are still kneeling, they can only say: “Well, let’s go ahead.”

When the words fell, he set a barrier for Hu Xiang behind him to avoid being blown down by the wind when the sword was flying.

As soon as Feijian went to the sky, Hu Xiang’s pale face was completely white. He glanced at the scenery below his feet. Those people were all small like ants. He only glanced, and immediately raised his eyes, and when he raised his eyes, he naturally saw the young man with his back facing him.

Dressed in a single robe, standing in the wind, he was clearly standing high in the sky, but the other party was not afraid at all.

Is this the monk? It’s different from mortals like them.

Fang Chaozhou’s sword flew for a while and saw a palace in the city. He turned his head and looked at Hu Xiang behind him. He saw that his face was pale, his eyes closed, and his standing body was shaking slightly, as if he was about to faint at any time. In the past, he quickly stretched out his hand and clasped the other’s wrist, so as to get aura.

However, Fang Chaozhou knew that the other party was a mortal child, so he didn’t dare to cross too much. He only crossed a little bit. After seeing that Hu Xiang’s face was not so pale, he withdrew his hand, “My nephew, this palace under my feet is the palace? "

Hu Xiang grabbed his wrist from Fang Chaozhou and opened his eyes. At this moment, he heard Fang Chaozhou’s words, and after gritted his teeth and glanced down, he immediately removed his eyes, and Fang Chaozhou nodded, “Yes, but the palace just I can no longer use swords, so I will have to trouble the Nine Emperor Gods to sit on the sedan chair with me later.”

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