Chapter 43

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In silence.

Fang Chaozhou had a guilty conscience when he saw the incoming people. As for the guilty conscience, he couldn’t figure out anything. It stands to reason that he has no guilty conscience, but the sword on his head seems to tell him that he is not far from death, if he angers the young man outside the carriage again.

He sighed slightly, and wanted to reach out and pull Song Lianyi away, who was still sucking his blood, but Song Lianyi didn’t know if she was confused or was completely controlled by the devil. When Fang Chaozhou pulled him, his arms around Fang Chaozhou’s neck tightened, and even a low beast-like roar in his throat, as if to warn Fang Chaozhou not to interrupt his blood sucking.

Fang Chaozhou didn’t care about Song Lianyi’s warning at this time. He forcibly pulled the person away, put him on the seat next to him, and prepared to get up.

But as soon as he moved, the sword above his head suddenly moved, and the next moment it was nailed between his legs.

Fang Chaozhou: “…”

He didn’t dare to move, so he could only watch the teenager outside the carriage get into the carriage.

When Hu Xiang saw the stranger getting in the car, he was taken aback by the other person’s appearance, and then he said: “This son, you…”

Before the words were finished, the person had been given a hold technique, and he couldn’t even make a sound.

The Xueyi boy didn’t even look at Hu Xiang. He walked in front of Fang Chaozhou. Feng’s eyes first glanced at Fang Chaozhou’s bloody wound, and then he glanced at Song Lianyi, who was restless and still crawling on Fang Chaozhou.

The emotions in Feng’s eyes were colder, and he reached out and held the hilt of the sword.

Before pulling out the sword, one hand grabbed his hand first.

“Little Junior Brother, it’s a coincidence. I didn’t expect to meet you here.” Fang Chaozhou smiled gently at the young man in front of him, “By the way, let me introduce you. This is my eldest nephew, Hu Xiang.”

Xue Danrong still had no expression on his face. He broke away from Fang Chaozhou’s hand and pulled the Breaking Water Sword out with a slight force. In the next instant, the sword crossed between Song Lianyi and Fang Chaozhou.

Upon seeing this, Fang Chaozhou quickly stood up to stop Xue Danrong, “Little Junior Brother, calm down, he…he…”

“Who is she? Why do you want to bite you?” When Xue Danrong said this, Breaking Water Sword made a “buzz” sound, as if extremely angry.

“I’ll tell you about him later, Junior Brother, don’t be impulsive. Be good, keep the sword away.”

Fang Chaozhou promised Song Lianyi’s maid to release Song Lianyi from the magic puppet. Song Lianyi has no cultivation base now. If the younger brother wants to kill him, it is as simple as chopping vegetables, so he must stop.

When he saw Xue Danrong staring at Song Lianyi with cold eyes, he didn’t care too much. He simply hugged Xue Danrong, half-dragging and half-wrapped, leaving the carriage first. Before leaving, he untied Hu Xiang. The fixation technique.

“My nephew, help me watch Erya first, don’t get out of the car.”

He forcibly took Xue Danrong out of the carriage, but he didn’t go very far, just a few feet away from the carriage.

At this time, because of the late night, there are no pedestrians on the street.

Fang Chaozhou looked at the young man with a cold face, and after thinking about it, he said, “Little Junior Brother, aren’t you in the Northern Territory? Why are you here? Master didn’t come with you?”

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