Chapter 131

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Fang Chaozhou rolled his eyes and said to the big brother, “big brother, let’s go first.”

The senior brother wanted to ask the younger brother to walk together, but he saw Fang Chaozhou’s expression and finally did not ask.

The destination of their trip was the Chunhe Barrier, where the terrain was steep and densely foggy. In addition, there were monsters. The big brother took the flying sword and picked up Fang Chaozhou, said to the person in charge, and took the lead to walk towards Chunhe.

But they didn’t last long, and someone caught up.

“Big brother.”

The voice that came was from Xue Danrong.

The big brother heard that he couldn’t help slowing down the flying sword. Soon, Xue Danrong and his flying sword kept pace. After Xue Danrong nodded slightly to the big brother, he looked towards sitting on the flying sword and looked at Fang Chaozhou ahead.

“Senior brother.” Xue Danrong’s voice was obviously much softer, “Why did you come out?”

Fang Chaozhou didn’t look at Xue Danrong, but said nonchalantly: “You are only allowed to come out, but I am not allowed to come out?”

“I didn’t mean it…”

Before Xue Danrong finished speaking, he was roughly interrupted, “Big brother, how long will we get there?”

The big brother looked at Fang Chaozhou in surprise, then glanced at Xue Danrong, who had become silent for an instant, and said, “It will take a while.”

Fang Chaozhou put his cheek in one hand, “Call me again when that’s there.”

He was obviously refusing to talk to others, and the big brother did not dare to speak, so he could only shook his head at Xue Danrong. And Xue Danrong’s gaze kept falling on Fang Chaozhou, but no matter how he looked, Fang Chaozhou never looked at him, as if he didn’t exist at all.

It took about two hours to arrive at Chunhe Barrier. After they arrived, they did not rush in. Instead, they stood outside and waited for the late arrivals. Although the seniors did not lead the team this time, a fellow from Four Finger Peak Leading the team, but the senior brother is used to leading the team, and he is used to waiting for everyone to go in together, plus they need to clear the obstacles, and the magical tools are in the hands of the lead.

When they were standing outside waiting, Xue Danrong walked to Fang Chaozhou. Before he opened his mouth and shouted “Brother”, Fang Chaozhou ran to the side of Senior Brother, “Big Brother, I have never learned magic skills last time. You teach me .”

When Fang Chaozhou asked the senior brother for advice, he secretly glanced at Xue Danrong behind him, and couldn’t help groaning when he saw someone standing there like a root wood.

Senior Brother’s voice said, “Second Junior Brother, did I say something bad just now?”

“No.” Fang Chaozhou replied.

“Then what are you humming?”

Fang Chaozhou thought about it, “Itchy mouth.”

The big brother couldn’t help laughing, “Then you rolled your eyes at the sect earlier, didn’t you?”

“Itchy eyes.” Fang Chaozhou said without hesitation this time.

The big brother laughed out loud, and touched Fang Chaozhou’s head, “You really are now. This nonsense ability is getting better and better.”

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