Chapter 32

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Before he could react, Fang Chaozhou felt dizzy when he saw the opponent.

Only this time, the other’s face appeared in his mind.

Zhong Liyue Shui’s face really matched the poem——

“Lang Yan is unique and unique in the world.”

Zhong Liyue dressed in white clothes and walked slowly beside the young man lying on the ground.

At this time, the young man’s belt was loosened, and the outer robe on his body became ragged because of the white tiger’s claws, revealing the white shirt inside. After seeing Zhong Liyue water, his eyes became blurred. At the same time, because he was hit by such a shameful scene, the white face of the young man couldn’t help but a red cloud appeared.

Fang Chaozhou pinched himself hard, trying to wake himself up, but the closer he got to the Zhong Liyue water, the more dizzy he was. He couldn’t help not looking at the Zhong Liyue water at all.

Especially when he is watching now, he can still outline the whole picture of the other party in his mind.

“Fang Chaozhou.” Zhong Liyue’s cold voice sounded, “What are you doing?”

I was dizzy enough to see Zhong Liyue’s face. Now the voice of the other party appeared, which was undoubtedly a double attack on Fang Chaozhou. The dizzy Fang Chaozhou exhausted all his strength and barely closed his eyes, but he couldn’t answer.

“Fang Chaozhou.” Zhong Liyue had a warning in his tone.

“Back…Master, I…we didn’t do anything.” Fang Chaozhou was about to bite the tip of his tongue and bleed before he stammered and answered this sentence.

Obviously I haven’t been so dizzy before, why are you so dizzy today? Could it be because he knew what Zhong Liyue looks like?

Zhong Liyue heard the words and turned his attention to another place.

The white tiger, which turned into Zhong Liyue’s water look, has now returned to its original shape long ago. It has reverted to the form of a white cat. At this time, it honestly shrank into a ball, and the meow didn’t dare to meow.

“Cha Bai.” Zhong Liyue called the white cat’s name.

The white cat named Cha Bai looked up at Zhong Liyue water carefully. A pair of mandarin duck eyes are now watery and looks very pitiful. It does not have the arrogance of oppressing and bullying Fang Chaozhou before. It meowed twice. The sound, seeing that Zhong Liyue’s eyes did not ease, he could only speak, “Meow, Master Zhong Li, we are in double repair.”

Fang Chaozhou closed his eyes now and took a moment to relax. He heard what Cha Bai said and immediately wanted to explain: “Master, this is not the case, we don’t have…”

“I haven’t asked you now, Fang Chaozhou.” Zhong Liyueshui glanced at Fang Chaozhou lightly. He didn’t need to ban Fang Chaozhou at all. When Fang Chaozhou heard his words, Fang Chaozhou’s sobriety was finally shattered and continued Fainted.

Cha Bai looked at Fang Chaozhou who was dizzy, hesitated, and boldly said to Zhong Liyue, “Meow, Master Zhong Li, can I double repair with him?”

Zhong Liyue raised his eyebrows, was silent at first, then refused, “No.”

“Meow, why?” Cha Bai said aggrieved.

“He didn’t accept you, you can’t force him to double repair together.” Zhong Liyue paused, “Besides, he is not a female animal.”

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