Chapter 100

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The kneeling of the tea maid attracted the attention of the brown horse chicken. It came over curiously and found that the tea water wetted the front part of Fang Chaozhou’s boots, and when there were still a few tea leaves sticking on it, he couldn’t help but look up at Fang Chaozhou.

After staying with Fang Chaozhou for so long, he had known that Fang Chaozhou was more clean and tidy every time he changed his clothes.

When Fang Chaozhou saw someone kneeling down, he paused, and he wanted to get up and avoid the direction where the other party was kneeling, but just as he moved, the kneeling maid walked forward two steps, not only blocking the way of Fang Chaozhou, but also seemed to have The posture of holding Fang Chaozhou’s calf.


Fang Chaozhou had never seen such a posture, and couldn’t help being shocked. But the shoes were accidentally wetted, why did it make it so serious?

and many more.

The same room told him that there seemed to be four rounds of the test. He is now in the third round. The first two rounds of assessment have passed. The total number of spirit stones that he got is one thousand and one hundred. If the brown horse chicken is counted, then There are two thousand two hundred.

He originally only wanted to take one hundred spirit stones, but now he has taken a lot.

The third round of money is still not earned.

From now on, he still doesn’t know what the third round of assessment is, but the third round is definitely not as simple as the previous two rounds. Could it have already begun?

Thinking of this, Fang Chaozhou looked suspiciously at the maid who was kneeling on the ground, and began to think wildly.

In the first round, he just stood for a while, and didn’t know what the opponent was testing. In the second round, he was measured. In this round…is he testing his coordination?

This Fengyue nunnery makes dao companions with outsiders. They are waiting for a girl for a lifetime, and they will get away with the dao companion. To be frank, they just find a man to have a child, and after giving birth, they will lose the man who has no use value. For this kind of behavior, when they look for a dao companion, they should choose the kind of man who is willing to cooperate with them, and has a better temper, and can’t just be angry.

So this third round is testing his temper?

Deliberately poured tea on his feet, want to know his reaction?

So if he doesn’t want to go through the third round, is it better to behave like a little, careless, and unreasonable?

Fang Chaozhou thought for a while, and felt that his thinking was quite reasonable, so he tilted his body slightly, and said strangely, “Do you know how expensive my boots are?”

When he said this, he had been observing the reaction of the tea maid, and when he noticed that the other’s expression had changed slightly, he felt that he was right.

“You can’t afford it, you know?”

The maid next to him immediately said, “Why don’t you go to the inner room to sit for a while, and I will ask her to wash and dry the son’s shoes, and then send it to the son to make amends.”

Fang Chaozhou felt that he hadn’t acted pretentiously enough, and immediately said: “You soiled my shoes. Do you think this will send me away? Don’t even think about it, unless…unless you give me an extra bag of food. "

[BL] Transmigrated into a Heartthrob Novel and Went OOCWhere stories live. Discover now