Chapter 19

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Fang Chaozhou estimated the time and felt it was time to go back to the inn, so he directly performed a fixation technique on Li Zhu, who was still eloquent. After he finished, he took the mysterious gold that he didn’t know when to wrap his waist again. The long whip was taken off and hung back on Li Zhu’s body, “Okay, I should go.”

Li Zhumao’s eyes widened, “Where are you going?”

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to be your stepmother.” Fang Chaozhou looked at the barrier he was in, and broke Li Zhu’s barrier with little effort.

Although he could not beat Li Yiye, he was more than enough to crush Li Zhu.

“You are not allowed to leave, I haven’t finished speaking…” Before Li Zhu finished speaking, he found that the person in front of him had disappeared. He was so angry that he bit his teeth and wanted to bite Fang Chaozhou’s body.

He was really angry.

Fang Chaozhou returned to the inn without hurries, but was caught as soon as he entered.

“Second Junior Brother, you are finally back!”

It’s a big brother.

The big brother grabbed Fang Chaozhou’s shoulder, looked up and down, turned Fang Chaozhou around, and looked at it again. After seeing no injuries, he asked, “Where have you been these days?”

Fang Chaozhou uttered a loud voice before slowly saying, “Something happened. It’s a long story. By the way, big brother, when will we return to Heavenly Water Sect?”

“You can go back today, and the junior brother is also back, but he came back earlier than you.” Senior brother said.

Fang Chaozhou didn’t know if Xue Danrong said to be with him when he came back, so he asked tentatively, “Where is the little brother?”

The senior brother sighed, “As soon as the younger brother came back, he went back to the room. He has not been there for the past few days. I asked him where he went. What happened, he didn’t return to me, just said it was okay.”

Hearing these words, Fang Chaozhou breathed a sigh of relief and began to change the subject, “Brother, let’s go back as soon as possible. I will go back to the room to pack up now.”

“Wait.” Senior brother called Fang Chaozhou who was about to slip away again, “You haven’t said where you have been in the past few days.”

Fang Chaozhou paused, looked back at the big brother, blinked, and finally made up a lie, “Healing is gone.”

The big brother heard the words and immediately asked: “How was the result?”

Fang Chaozhou didn’t speak, but lowered his head slightly.

As he expected, the elder brother did not ask any more questions, and asked him to go back to the room to rest first, saying that he was going to leave before calling him.

Therefore, Fang Chaozhou succeeded in passing, but when he went up to the second floor, he saw Xue Danrong standing on the corner. The corners were dimly lit, and Xue Danrong, who had changed into a snow-cyan broad-sleeved brocade, stood there, as if he had a layer of light, immortal appearance, and Fu Fen He Lang.

When Zhilan Yushu’s boy saw Fang Chaozhou, he did not speak, but stared at Fang Chaozhou.

Fang Chaozhou was stared at by Xue Danrong, and he had a guilty conscience inexplicably, although he did not understand why he was guilty.

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