Chapter 15

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Fang Chaozhou was awakened by pain, opened his eyes in a daze, and first met a pair of phoenix eyes. Those phoenix eyes are really beautiful, their long eyelashes are as thick as butterfly wings, and the tails of the eyes are upturned, as if they were painted with fine brushwork. The owner of Fengyan did not look at him, but hugged him and quickly rolled aside.

As soon as they rolled away, the couch they were lying on was half blown open.

After rolling away, the master of Fengyan realized that Fang Chaozhou in his arms was awake. At that moment, his snow-white face was obviously stained with thin red, and even panic appeared in his eyes, but soon, he returned to normal with one hand. To block the attack, the other hand must lift Fang Chaozhou up.

Fang Chaozhou was still confused at this time. He didn’t know what was going on. He sat up in a daze. When he saw Li Yiye not far away, he blinked dumbly and turned his head to look at Xue Danrong who was casting a spell next to him. He began to fall into a constant daze.

Although he was forced out of the control of desire due to pain, he still drank a lot of wine, which made him unable to wake up now, if it weren’t for the mess around and the sound was too loud, he could fall asleep while sitting.

Xue Danrong was young after all, especially he had to protect Fang Chaozhou who was in a daze next to him. He was defeated almost soon and was tied up by Li Yiye’s immortal rope.

When Fang Chaozhou saw Xue Danrong being tied up, he blinked slowly and continued to be in a daze.

There is only one thought in his mind–

So sleepy, are you finished? Can I sleep?

Li Yiye walked over and looked at Xue Danrong, who was tied up with an angry face, and then at Fang Chaozhou who was still in a daze next to him. He seemed amused. He hooked his lips and leaned down slightly, looking Fang Chaozhou at Xue Danrong. His face turned.

“Did you see that I tied your younger brother, didn’t you respond?”

After he finished speaking, he thought the other party would react a little, but he didn’t know that this little guy looked at him blankly like a silly. If he didn’t blink, he would think he was pinching the puppet’s chin.

Li Yiye raised his eyebrows, thinking of something, “Aren’t you good at drinking? Only after drinking so little, so drunk?” Then, he turned to squeeze Fang Chaozhou’s face.

Sure enough, he squeezed it, and there was no struggle at all.

“Don’t touch him!” Xue Danrong beside him said sharply.

Li Yiye is a big demon, and the character of a big demon is that the more others will not let him do anything, he will do. In fact, he was not prepared to do anything to Fang Chaozhou, he only planned to take Xue Danrong away alone, but when he heard Xue Danrong’s words, his thoughts changed.

He will kidnap two at once.

It’s quite interesting to think about it. The old guy Heavenly Water Sect was going crazy when he saw that his two disciples were kidnapped by him.

He said that he would tie him up, which was different from the big five-flower tie that Xue Danrong had. Li Yiye was dumbfounded when he saw Fang Chaozhou now. He only tied Fang Chaozhou’s wrists, and packed the two of them on his Flying Cloud Beast mount.

The flying cloud beast is similar to a mortal cow, but much larger than a mortal cow. It has a white body, long hair, and a pair of emerald-colored horns. It is one of the monster beasts raised by Li Yiye.

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