Chapter 39

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Suddenly, the boy who was stuffed with a ball of snow obviously froze. After Fang Chaozhou ran a long way away, he lowered his head and patted the snow on the collar.

Fang Chaozhou thought that the other party would immediately counterattack him, but he didn’t know that the boy stood there quietly after taking the snow, and his conscience suddenly became a little disturbed. He walked back, saw snowflakes on the other’s shoulder, and patted it compensatoryly.

The young man turned his eyes to look at the hand that was falling on his shoulder, and did not speak, until the hand was removed, he turned his eyes away.

Fang Chaozhou saw that there was no snowball fight, so he could only look around boredly. After watching it for a long time, he couldn’t help but say: “It would be nice to have a cave sheltered from wind and snow. I’m afraid I can’t live without it today.”

“Second brother, I just saw the cave.” Hearing Fang Chaozhou’s words, the boy next to him suddenly spoke.

Fang Chaozhou was stunned for a moment, but didn’t feel anything wrong, so he asked the other side where the cave was, and followed the people to where the cave was. When he found the cave, he asked the boy to stand outside with an umbrella for a while, and went in to check if there were any hibernating animals in the cave.

The cave is not big, it is more than half smaller than their cave house in Heavenly Water Sect. After Fang Chaozhou greeted the teenagers outside the cave to come in, he rummaged through his storage ring.

He laid the uncovered mattress on the ground, let the boy sit, and then ran to another place and laid another mattress.

The boy watched his movements and asked softly: “Why do you want to make two beds, brother?”

Fang Chaozhou didn’t turn his head back, “Because I want to lie down later, if I only make one bed, it’s not easy to lie down.”

The boy didn’t speak any more, and Fang Chaozhou flipped over his storage ring. He just couldn’t find anything interesting, so he could only lie down in his clothes, staring out of the cave to see when the snow would stop.

“Young Master, is it necessary to watch this illusion?” The girl looked at Song Lianyi’s face getting worse and worse, couldn’t help asking. She felt that there was no need to detain the monk anymore, so she might as well catch them and beat them up.

Song Lianyi gritted her teeth, “Don’t worry, he can see Xue Danrong in the illusion. He must be a ghost in Xue Danrong’s heart. After a long time, he will naturally show his feet.”

There is a very magical place in this illusion. As the illusion lasts for a long time, the people inside the illusion will look more and more like the person. Therefore, the more people go to the back, the harder it is to see the illusion. Besides, the illusion changes People can even simulate their own emotions, which is why Zhong Liyue in the original book almost crossed the line with Xue Danrong.

Song Lianyi was not in a hurry to catch Fang Chaozhou. First, he wanted to see if Fang Chaozhou had any strange thoughts about Xue Danrong. Second, he also wanted to know what Xue Danrong thought of Fang Chaozhou.

In the illusion.

The snow outside the cave did not stop, the sky gradually dimmed, and the light in the cave weakened.

Fang Chaozhou only found a night pearl lamp in the storage ring, and he placed the lamp between him and the boy. After putting it away, he raised his eyes and looked at the teenager not far away, “Little Junior Brother, don’t you lie down and rest?”

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