Chapter 137

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The dream here is not over yet, the Fang Chaozhou in the dream has been chasing the latest chapter, that is, he saw the later chapter of the poisonous valley feeding the insects, the Fang Chaozhou in the book climbs back to the poisonous valley, and the next chapter, Xue Danrong, who has recovered his cultivation, appears Outside the poison valley.

Xue Danrong did not see Fang Chaozhou outside Poison Valley, his expression changed obviously, and his eyes suddenly turned towards Poison Valley. Later, the bones of Fang Chaozhou in the book were taken out by Xue Danrong, and Xue Danrong’s arm was bitten. But Xue Danrong’s first thing was not to treat his hands, but to ask Zhong Liyue water to help revive Fang Chaozhou.

“Why do you want to resurrect him?” Zhong Liyue asked.

Xue Danrong held the bones in his arms and did not answer this question.

Fang Chaozhou’s soul was retrieved by the soul-seeking lamp, but his body was completely destroyed, and he could only temporarily live in the lamp. Fang Chaozhou, whose soul was recovered, could not speak, and seemed to have no memory. Chengri only stayed in the lamp, and it was difficult for Xue Danrong to see him once.

Once I saw it because Xue Danrong brought the Soul-seeking Lantern to the side of the cold lake. As a result, the Soul-seeking Lantern was blown into the cold lake by the wind, and it was so cold that Fang Chaozhou ran out of the lamp and floated out.

He couldn’t leave the lamp for too long, Xue Danrong hurriedly chased the cold ghost back.

“Brother, this is my negligence. I won’t let the light fall into the water next time.” Xue Danrong finally coaxed back to Fang Chaozhou, fearing that the other party would run again, he could only make a promise.

If the soul is too far away from the lamp, it will disperse again. It is even more difficult to find the soul again.

But I don’t know if it was a sequelae of that time. Fang Chaozhou seemed to find it very interesting to escape from the Soul-seeking Lantern. He flees from time to time. Every time he took advantage of Xue Danrong’s fall asleep, his escape did not have any regularity of time, so he ran when he wanted to.

On the farthest run, Xue Danrong found Fang Chaozhou in a restaurant dozens of miles away. Fang Chaozhou sat invisibly next to a monk, and secretly reached out to steal peanuts from the table. It’s just that he is a ghost and can’t eat peanuts. The peanuts entered his mouth and fell to the ground.

When Xue Danrong saw him, he had piled a lot of peanuts under his feet.

Xue Danrong saw at a glance that the monk had discovered Fang Chaozhou’s existence long ago, but he didn’t say a word. Fang Chaozhou stole it, and even ordered waiter to serve an extra plate of peanuts.

“Thank you fellow Daoist for taking care of my senior.” Xue Danrong walked to the person, put down a bag of spiritual stones, and quickly reached out to catch Fang Chaozhou who was about to slip away.

The monk smiled, “It’s okay, peanuts are not worth a lot of money.”

Xue Danrong thanked again and left with Fang Chaozhou.

The monk who stayed on the spot looked at Xue Danrong’s departure direction, frowned secretly, and muttered, “Strange, how can I deviate from the plot? I have clearly written Fang Chaozhou dead, so that he will sacrifice to heaven and earn tears.”

A book with no words appeared in his hand, and he turned it to the middle, hooked the page a few times, and several lines of words appeared on it.

[Fang Chaozhou was bitten into bones by poisonous insects and died five years in the Tianli period. No one in the Zongmen mentioned this name. Five years later, none of the new disciples of the Zongmen knew that there was a second senior in Yizhifeng. 】

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