Chapter 63

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He obviously wears books, why is he allergic to mustard?

Fang Chaozhou blushed as soon as he ate mustard, his body would be red, and he would have a rash. The most serious thing was that he would be flustered and short of breath, as if someone had choked his neck.

Fang Chaozhou couldn’t help but pull his collar loose. There was a distance from Du Yunxi’s place, and he could only pass by the sword. Although he might be scolded afterwards, there was no way.

He took out the flying sword and was about to imperial sword, when he heard a “senior brother” behind him.

It was Xue Danrong’s voice.

Fang Chaozhou heard this sound, and controlling sword kept moving. He reluctantly supported the tree and stood up. He was about to step on the flying sword, but before he could fly, he fell from it.

At this moment, he was flustered and short of breath, he couldn’t stand still, and he could hear the sound of panting.

“Brother.” The master of the voice has walked to his side, “What’s wrong with you?”

Fang Chaozhou raised his eyes to look at the boy in front of him, gritted his teeth, reached out and grabbed the other’s sleeves, “Little Junior Brother, can you send me to the fifth Junior Brother?”

Xue Danrong lowered his eyes, and in the next instant, he directly reached out and hugged Fang Chaozhou sitting on the ground. Fang Chaozhou was startled by this hug, but soon he lost his mind to surprise, he could only weakly limp in the opponent’s arms.

My breathing became more and more rapid, and even my eyes started to turn black.

There seemed to be someone calling him in his ears, but Fang Chaozhou didn’t really hear it. Then, it seemed that someone wanted to give him medicine. He wanted to open his mouth, but he couldn’t open it.

“This medicine can’t be fed, what should I do?”

“I come.”

When Fang Chaozhou woke up again and found that he was already in Du Yunxi’s cave, he opened his eyes and met a face.

Seeing him wake up, Du Yunxi was obviously relieved, “Second brother, you finally woke up. I am afraid that the pill will not be effective, so I am going to feed you other pill. Fortunately, you woke up.” The words fell. He reached out and touched Fang Chaozhou’s neck, “But although you wake up, the rash on your body has not faded, so you need to apply medicine.”

Du Yunxi dropped these words and turned around. Fang Chaozhou watched his movements in a daze. Yu Guang glanced at another figure and suddenly thought of something. Then he looked at the person next to him and said embarrassingly. : “The matter just now troubles Junior Brother.”

Xue Danrong was a little away from the bed. He heard these words, did not lift his eyes, but replied faintly, “It’s okay.”

When this sentence was said, the room became quiet again.

Fang Chaozhou sat up and couldn’t help touching his neck. Although he was not flustered now, his body was so itchy that he couldn’t help but scratch, but after only a few scratches, his hand was scratched. Living.

“Brother, you can’t catch it.” Xue Danrong grasped Fang Chaozhou’s hand, his tone a little blunt.

Fang Chaozhou glanced at his grasped hand and made a profit, “I see.”

He didn’t break away, he paused, increased his strength a little, and abruptly pulled his hand back. At this time, Du Yunxi also returned.

He came back with a bottle of ointment, “Second brother, this is a medicine for external rubbing. It should not be itchy after you apply it. Take off your clothes.” After he said this, he turned to look at Xue Danrong," Little Junior Brother, go out first."

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