Chapter 81

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Nine days later, Heavenly Water Sect is a small town under the mountain.

Because Heavenly Water Sect wants to recruit outer disciples, the town is crowded with people at this time, and people who line up to sign up for outer disciples line up from the mountain gate to the bottom of the mountain.

Fang Chaozhou asked, this time it took three months to recruit outside disciples, and now it’s nearing the end, and the registration will be stopped in seven days.

“Then we came by a coincidence.” After the brown horse chicken finished speaking, the brick looked at Fang Chaozhou, and when he saw the ordinary face in front of him that could even be described as ugly, it couldn’t help but choke.

After a few days, I still can’t get familiar with this face.

It turns out that Xiao Bailian’s own face is pretty.

Because he wanted to hide himself and become an outer disciple, Fang Chaozhou changed his appearance, changed himself into another person, and changed his voice. Not only that, he also turned the brown horse chicken into a little sparrow, after all, his concubine had seen a brown horse chicken.

Fang Chaozhou looked at the crowded scene and touched his chin, “There are too many people. When will this be queued to me?”

The brown horse chicken’s eyes lit up, “Are you going to jump in the line?”

“No, I’m going to buy something.” Fang Chaozhou said.

After a while, an outlier appeared at the end of the team of outer disciples who lined up to sign up for Heavenly Water Sect.

I saw the alien sitting on the armchair, holding the script in his left hand, playing a sparrow in his right, and hanging an umbrella on his head to shade him.

The other monks were very surprised when they saw this scene. They had never seen anyone queuing to sign up, it was so casual.

Most people are a little disgusted, but a small number of people are a little moved.

They have been standing here for a day, how could they not be tired?

As a result, there were a few more chairs in the queue, one to two, two to four, and after a while, even the chair-selling boss came over to do business.

Sitting is more comfortable than standing, the person who bought the chair thought.

There were no shortage of female nuns in the queue, and they stared at the umbrella on Fang Chaozhou’s head. In the past, they used to hold their umbrellas when it rained, but now it’s noon, the golden crows are roasting, it is really uncomfortable to sun, and it will damage their appearance. The female cultivators care about appearance. They saw that Fang Chaozhou was a little ugly, but his skin was white.

Could this be the effect of holding an umbrella?

Before long, many umbrella players appeared in the team.

Of course, not everyone chooses to sit in a chair and hold an umbrella in line. They think Fang Chaozhou and others' actions are pure tricks, and such a large group of rules as Heavenly Water Sect will certainly look down on these people.

Fang Chaozhou didn’t pay attention to the movement outside. He asked the brown horse chicken to help him stare at the team, and he looked at the story with enthusiasm. The “Merry Son with the Big Belly” he is reading now is too bloody, so bloody that he can’t stop at all.

“Do you know what I just saw?”

When Yu Kangxuan was registering information, when he heard his junior sister talking, he replied, “What do you see?”

[BL] Transmigrated into a Heartthrob Novel and Went OOCWhere stories live. Discover now