Chapter 10

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Suddenly, Fang Chaozhou felt the hand on his waist tighten.

“My son, that person is so fierce.” Girl Yiyi shrank into Fang Chaozhou’s arms as she was afraid. Fang Chaozhou felt a layer of goose bumps on the place he was touched, as for the place not touched——

Feeling surrounded by the cold.

Especially his back.

What’s behind?

Fang Chaozhou couldn’t help looking back, there was no one else except Junior Brother.

Forget it, the top priority is not to find where the cold air comes from, he has to solve this in his arms first. Fang Chaozhou gave the junior girl next to him a frantic wink, and the junior girl finally understood, and then she stubbornly got the girl Yiyi out. She was afraid that girl Yiyi would pounce again, and simply stood in front of Fang Chaozhou.

“This girl, my second senior brother has already said that he doesn’t need a maid, please go back.”

Girl Yiyi clutched the arm that was just pulled by her junior sister, and she wanted to cry, “The slave family has nowhere to go, and I hope the son will have a pitiful life for the poor slave family. Otherwise, the slave family can only go to the river and hope to be rich in the next life. The daughter’s house will not let the son be contemptuous.”

Fang Chaozhou: “Oh.”

Girl Yiyi: “…”

The tears in Miss Yiyi’s eyes fell, and the look in Fang Chaozhou’s eyes seemed to be looking at a grudge, but she did not expect that Fang Chaozhou was not only indifferent, but also covered her lips and yawned.

“Second brother.” Xue Danrong on the stairs suddenly opened his mouth. “I have a spell that I can’t comprehend. I wonder if the brother can help me solve my doubts?”

Fang Chaozhou was about to leave here, and Xue Danrong handed him a ladder. There was no reason for him to climb along, so he agreed and turned and walked towards Xue Danrong.

Xue Danrong waited for Fang Chaozhou to approach, glanced at the girl Yiyi who was still standing there weeping, and turned upstairs.

Fang Chaozhou followed Xue Danrong up to the second floor. When he reached the corner and made sure that the people on the first floor could not see here, he immediately stopped, “Thank you, Junior Brother, for helping me out.”

Xue Danrong, who was walking in the front, kept walking and said indifferently, “I just think that the brother is pulling and pulling with the woman in the public, and he really loses the face of Heavenly Water Sect. Next time, I hope that the brother will handle it in private.”

After speaking, he even accelerated his pace and walked forward without giving Fang Chaozhou a chance to explain.

As for Fang Chaozhou, his left ear came out of his right ear, and he happily returned to the room to make up for his sleep.

He didn’t care about the misunderstanding of Junior Brother.

Fang Chaozhou has been nesting in the inn as a salted fish, waiting for his senior brother to call him, saying that today is the top ten competition of the Cultivation Conference, he reacted with hindsight.

In the top ten, the big demon of the Dark Soul Gate was the judge, and he took a fancy to Xue Danrong, and even did what he did to kidnap Xue Danrong in full view.

Wow, so exciting!

Fang Xianyu turned over on the bed and said to the big brother outside the door: “Big brother, I feel a little sick today, so I won’t go.”

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