Screw you ‼️

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"LOKI YOU HAD NO RIGHT!" you shouted running your fingers through your hair in frustration looking up at an unamused Loki. "Helloooo Earth to Loki. Are you even listening? For goodness sake you honestly piss me off" you said looking down at the ground annoyed by his silence until he broke it.

"No right? HE WAS ALL OVER YOU!" he argued.

"Loki, it was a mission. I was undercover meaning—" you tried to explain before being cut off

"Meaning what? You're allowed to parade around like a common harlot? Go on, enlighten me because I don't understand" he scoffed

"Wow Loki. I suggest you hold your tongue" you said in a warning tone stepping towards Loki and looking him in the eyes

"Are you trying to intimidate me?" He sniggered "I'm impressed"

"I'm warning you Loki"

"You, a pathetic mortal and me a God. There really isn't any competition. He chuckled

"Loki that is ENOUGH" you shouted growing angrier and angrier at Loki's dismissiveness

"And what are you going to do? He retorted stepping towards you, easily towering over you as you try and keep your breaths even

You both stare each other down for a few moments before Loki starts grinning

"Exactly as I thought" he said about to turn around until your arm snapped up to slap him. Catching your wrist before you could, Loki looks at it in his hand before looking back down to you

"Was you going to slap me? He sniggered "try again" he sneered releasing your wrist

Reaching back up, he grabbed your wrist again and began pushing you backwards until your back hit the wall.

Looking down at you, Loki's nostrils flared as his jaw clenched. Watching Loki's hostile glare, you felt slightly intimidated.

Loki released your wrist and raised his hand. Wincing, you were greeted by a light tap on your cheek before Loki lowered himself to your ear

"Behave" he whispered

As he began to retreat and step back, you grabbed him back and slammed your lips onto his eliciting a groan from Loki as he fought your tongue for dominance
Pulling away, you looked at him trying to catch your breath

"I hate you" you argued lifting your top over your head and throwing it on the floor before wrapping your arms around Loki's neck for another passionate kiss

Loki lifted you up and pushed you back against the wall devouring your lips in a heated kiss filled with love, hate and most importantly lust. Breaking the kiss, you both looked into each others eyes as if one of you was waiting for the other to do something, say something.

"Tell me what you want" Loki said breaking the silence

"I- I"

"Use your words. Do you want me to take you here? Up against this wall with your legs wrapped around my waist as I plunge into you leaving you a screaming mess at my mercy? Is that what you want? Tell me" he ordered putting his forehead against yours

"Gods yes" you breathed feeling yourself growing wetter and wetter at his words and the feeling of him so close to you, holding you so intimately

As if he was simply waiting for your consent to finally ravish you, Loki made quick work of undoing your bra leaving your breasts exposed. Taking one of your nipples into his mouth, Loki began messaging the other one before switching. Writing in his grip, you could feel Loki's erection growing. Reaching down, you smoothed your hand over it earning a sharp inhale from Loki. Seeing his response, you carried on running your hand over his clothed erection before he moved his hips backwards

"So eager, don't worry you'll get to really feel it soon. You'll be moaning my name as I thrust deeper and deeper into you making your legs shake as you beg me to stop but wrap your legs around me tighter forbidding my departure from your weak, fragile body. Then and only then will you—"

"Gosh just take me" you ordered growing more and more concupiscent

"Very well" Loki said clicking his fingers leaving you both completely naked

Gasping, you looked down at Loki's throbbing erection and instantly bucked your hips trying to feel it against your wet entrance.

"Are you sure?" Loki asked with a smile on his face observing what you were doing


Without warning, Loki thrusted into you filling you as you let out a feral scream. He didn't move for a few moments until he pulled out completely and then thrusted in again earning a moan for you both. Feeling your orgasm quickly growing, you tried to push Loki backwards wanting to savour the moment. Noticing this, Loki interlocked his fingers with yours and he pushed the back of your hand on the wall, delving into you again.

"L- Loki gods-st" you cried as Loki relentlessly thrusted into you filling you completely

"DONT STOP" you snapped feeling him slowing down

"I love this, the demanding leman I turn you into as I enrapture you. Filled with so much lust, desire, concupiscence. You truly are magnificent" he said through gritted teeth continuing his pleasure filled torture on your body

"Loki I'm gonna cum" you cried biting into his shoulder

"We'll cum together. Cum with me" he insisted thrusting three more times, deeper exploiting points of pleasure you didn't even know you had before you felt ribbons of his arousal shooting into you before he pulled out
Feeling relived and high on your own climax, you smiled up at Loki until he dropped you back on your feet and lifted one of your legs over his shoulder. Shaking, you felt Loki's tongue prodding at your entrance swallowing the mixture you both produced from your frenzy. Trying to push him away and squirming from the overstimulation, you felt yourself nearly black out when his tongue found your clit and he started flicking it before sucking on it. Looking up at you with your cum dripping from his chin, Loki licked his lips before lowering your leg again and helping you to stand as he himself stood back up.

"That was—"

Loki was cut off by your arms wrapping around him and kissing him deeply. You stood in each others embraces for a few moments feeling each others hearts beating fast against each other's bare, heaving chests.

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