Hot & Cold P4 / Carnal Knowledge

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Watching Loki from a distance had become hard. Every time you saw him, you wanted to speak to him, touch him, feel him. Somehow he had managed to become your first thought in the morning and your last thought at night. You'd find yourself often thinking back to the last time you were in his cell. The things he said. You knew you couldn't be left alone with him, you'd end up giving in, but speaking to him couldn't hurt.

The next morning, as per usual, you escorted the SHIELD agents down to Loki's cell. Usually you'd stay out of sight but today you decided to stand outside the cell. Watching Loki, you saw his gaze soften when he noticed you. You gave him a small smile which wasn't returned.

"Morning Loki." You smiled whilst the agents took Loki's old tray, replacing it with a new one.

"Flamethrower" he spat.

You felt almost hurt that his once playful nickname now sounded like an insult. Was he hurt? Surely not. You were about to say something else until you heard an alarm signalling something was wrong in the building. Knowing that it could have been anything, you told the agents to leave and help out upstairs whilst you kept watch of Loki. Within seconds, the flames surrounding the door were extinguished, as you allowed the agents to depart. Stepping backwards, you watched as the cell doors closed. You stood in silence watching Loki as he read.

"Whats the matter?" You asked.

"I'm trying to read and there's a piercing alarm ringing loudly." He scoffed.

"And that's all?" You asked knitting your brows. Loki waited a few moments before speaking.

"You haven't come to see me. Why?" He asked looking at you.

"I have been down here everyday" you said as you stepped closer to the cell.

"But you haven't spoken to me, you send those other agents in here whilst you observe from around the corner. I apologise if I upset you the last time we spoke." He said almost solemnly. You felt bad but how were you supposed to tell him that you couldn't see him because you were scared you'd give in to your desires? How could you tell him that he had done nothing wrong but you couldn't trust yourself? That a small bit of wit and charm was all it took for him to be the thing that occupied your thoughts? You simply couldn't.

"Loki I—"

"WATCH OUT!" You heard him shout before being pushed aside. Your eyes widened in shock when you saw Loki, outside of his cell, standing over the body of some sort of alien.

"What the hell was that thing!?" You exclaimed as you looked at it.

"Are you alright? Did it hurt you?" Loki said frantically as he leant down on the floor in front of you, seemingly searching you for injuries. Actually realising the situation, you jumped to your feet.

"Y-you're out" you stuttered.


"You could escape this whole time, why haven't you?" You asked as you took a step backwards, watching Loki step closer to you.

"Because I used to enjoy our little chats" he smiled coyly.

"Why are you here Loki?" You questioned.

"I told you." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"No, why are you really here?" You asked again, trying to stand tall even-though he had reached you, your back was against the wall.

"Because it's safe." He stated, confusing you.


"I don't have to keep looking over my shoulder here. I'm safe here. I can relax here. I can enjoy here." He said teasingly before quickly teleporting back into the cell as Tony and Steve along with some of the SHIELD agents arrived.

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