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"Say bye bye to mummy" you grinned, opening your arms as your daughter squeezed you one last time, fumbling out a quick bye before rushing past Loki's legs and into his apartment, no doubt to play with her new games console she spent half the year begging for. Your eyes followed her, half of you already missing her and the other half simply not wanting to look at Loki who's gaze was near burning into you. Offering the ground a smile aimed at Loki, you began to turn around.

"Y/n, wait" he called after you, causing your gazes to finally meet.


"I-I've cooked, do you want to come inside?" He offered. There was a still silence between you both as you took in how sincere he looked. His eyes were kind. They were the ones you fell in love with. As you studied this almost new candour, this missed vulnerability, you couldn't help but be transported to this very day a few Christmases ago when things felt easier, when life was more carefree.

Your lips lightly traced Loki's jaw as he slept, his body stirring as your kisses met his neck.

"It's Christmas" you whispered, smiling as he began to wake up.

"Mhmm" he hummed in reply, eyes still closed as a small simper threatened to take over his expression.

"So get up then" you huffed, standing to your feet, gasping as Loki pulled you back down, positioning you above him.

"Ten more minutes" he almost pleaded, eyes open now as he looked up at you.

"I can take care of that in five" you teased, grinding your hips against his as you felt his morning glory practically pushing past his pajama bottoms. Your lips met in wanton kisses as Loki's hands found purchase on your hips. He began guiding your movements over him before you started getting off of him.

"Don't you want me to—" you began to question, as Loki held you firmly against him.

"This is fine, this is enough" he interrupted you, eyes falling closed as he continued moving you against his bulge.

"Men, so selfish" you scoffed, playfully rolling your eyes.

"Really?" Loki smirked, opening his eyes to meet yours as one of his hands left your hips before slipping underneath the waistband of your shorts. His name fell from your lips as his fingers moved against your clit. You ground your hips against his hand, both of you stimulated as you grew nearer to your climaxes. Loki's gaze rarely strayed from you as he watched you almost tremble above him, your face beginning to flush as your nipples hardened.

"Ughh" you moaned above him, his fingers pressing perfectly against you as you moved your hips to and fro.

The sight of you paired with the feeling of you against him left Loki quickly orgasming, his movements pausing briefly as his body jolted. Huffing, you tried to continue to move against his fingers, your body craving it's stolen release.

"You're so wet" Loki smiled up at you. Before you had time to reply, he switched your positions, pinning you against the bed as he moved above you. His thumbs hooked underneath the waistband of your shorts before he tugged them down your legs, throwing them onto the floor. Hands pushing your legs apart, Loki buried his face between your thighs causing you to moan his name loudly as his tongue circled your swollen clit. Your hips rose involuntarily, almost chasing Loki's mouth as he explored you with leisurely licks. Flattening his tongue against your pussy, Loki glanced up at you as you looked down at him, mouth agape. One of his hands pushed you back down against the bed as he gently closed his lips around your clit, sucking.

"Fuckk Lokii" you whimpered, your orgasm fast approaching. He didn't say anything, he continued sucking against you until you came, your body twitching against the bed as he drank in your arousal.

"Merry Christmas Angel" Loki smiled at you, licking his lips as he sat up.

"You only call me Angel on Christmas, have you noticed that?" You grinned.

"I love the way your eyes light up when I say it" he shrugged. "It adds to the festivities" he laughed to himself "a gift in itself."

"You're a soppy git" you laughed.

"I'm your soppy git" he chuckled. "Now, time for me to shower and then cook" he spoke, standing up.

"I'll join you for the shower but the cooking is all you baby" you followed him.

Loki clearing his throat brought you back to reality, this present moment as you swallowed thickly, willing the memory away. You bit the inside of your cheek in the hopes that you'd be able to regain some semblance of composure as the thoughts of what transpired in the shower after tried to make its way to the forefront. Before you could completely clear your mind, remembrance of how you both ended up in this current situation dawned upon you. You felt nauseous. As much as you wanted to run into his arms, to kiss him, to let him hold you, to laugh together, to fuck together, to go back to your old life, you simply couldn't.

"Y/n?" Loki questioned, his voice quiet.

"I—No thank you, I'm going to go" you painfully refused, turning around before Loki could see the tears pooling in the corners of your eyes.

"Well, Merry Christmas Angel" he called after you, causing you to quickly turn around.

"Merry Christmas Loki" you smiled at him, a genuine smile, an aching smile.

Your legs almost gave way beneath you as Loki's eyes met yours with a burning intensity mixed with something indescribable.

"A gift in itself" he simpered before you parted.


A/N: Thank you for reading! I am slowly verynervously coming back 🤣 I hope you're all well!!

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