The Chambermaid

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Having been promoted from simple maid to now a prince's Chambermaid, you assumed the workload would be less considering you were now only catering to one person so you were surprised to find yourself even more exhausted now. Being a chambermaid to a royal meant waking up before them to ensure you had their breakfast ready, their bath drawn as well as their curtains and their clothes laid out all before sunrise; the royals woke frustratingly early. You later discovered that their early rise was to ensure that they all carried out any duties before midday allowing them the rest of the day free for other activities only the rich in Asgard could afford. Loki, although somewhat lacking duties, was no exception to this premature wake meaning neither was you.

Despite now only being contracted to ensure prince Loki's welfare, you found yourself regaling his maidens too, and there were many. Most mornings you were cleaning up after them, fetching clothes for them and having the unfortunate job of marching them out of Loki's rooms. You tried to do so with a smile, a smile that quickly faded to a frown whenever they'd make a comment in passing about your presence. Loki however was always quick to defend you. This morning you had managed to escort one of Loki's flings out before running him a bath. Right now, you were making his bed, puffing his pillows when you noticed the markings in the headboard. You studied them, running your fingers over them when you realised they were bite marks. You wondered whose they were. Loki's or theirs. You imagined how deep in the throes of passion you'd have to be to decide to take your pleasured anguish out on a headboard.


You jumped as you heard Loki's voice, startled as your hand fell from the frame. You couldn't even find it in yourself to turn and face him.

"Your highness I—" you began before he interrupted.

"Please, it's Loki" he corrected "my acquaintances are rather loud, they prefer to muffle their moans on my unfortunate headboard." He spoke, clearly smirking from the tone of his voice. Well, that answers that question you thought as you slowly turned to face him, face flushing when you realised he was only covered by a towel hanging low on his waist. His skin was still wet, droplets cascading leisurely down his back, his shoulders, his face. You followed one down his chest, down his torso before it reached his muscular abdomen. You had to drag your eyes away from his Adonis belt before the droplet disappeared, the towel engulfing it. "I myself don't muffle my moans but I'm not the one being fucked by a god." He chuckled, removing his towel causing your breath to hitch as you spun around.

"Would you like me to um—to—" you stuttered.

"Draw me another bath?" he interjected "I've just remembered that there's a council meeting I'd like to avoid this morning and a bottle of wine I'd thoroughly enjoy immersed in it."

"Umm-yes." You spoke.

"Well, lead the way." He prompted.

Your feet began to move, carrying you into Loki's bathing chambers. Your hands were practically shaking as you twisted the tap before water came flooding out. Loki didn't enter the washroom until the bath was full which was for the best considering he was currently completely naked. And wet.

"Not going to stay?" He called after you as you turned to leave. You paused, eyes rounding as you panicked.

"What?" You gulped.

"Apologies, that was said in jest, don't look so pale" he assured. "Others would jump at the chance to bathe with me." He snickered. "In fact, they do." He added, mostly mumbling to himself. "That will be all y/n." He dismissed.

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