I know who you pretend I am

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"It should have been you." You wept, tears blurring your vision as you stormed towards Loki, digging your finger into his chest. "It should have been you." You continued to cry, your fists clenching before you nudged him backwards, Loki unwavering as you took your frustrations out on him. It should have been him, he agreed. Given the chance he would have switched places with Thor, he had so much more to live for, he had you and now you were alone, he was alone. "You promised" you sniffled against Loki's chest, his hand ghosting your back as he contemplated whether you'd find the gesture comforting or smoldering if he was to place it there "you said he'd come back safe." You almost whispered, your cries silent now as your shoulders shook. Making his mind up, Loki placed his hand on your back, pulling you into him as he fought down his own emotions allowing you to grieve.

It wasn't long before you grew tired, body limp in Loki's grip as he supported you, almost carrying you to your bedroom. Once you both reached, he pulled the duvet back, stepping away from you as you got into the bed. Standing at the door, Loki's gaze lingered on you for a moment as he imagined how you'd cope from now on. He knew you felt alone now but he was certain you weren't. He promised he'd look after you, regardless of how much you pushed him away; it was his final promise to his brother and he was intent on keeping this one.

Going into his own room, Loki almost collapsed onto his bed as the emotions he had been keeping down began bubbling to the surface. When it first happened, he felt shocked, angered, an anger that turned into a bloodbath of revenge as he took it from every hopeless soul that stood in his way before coming face to face with the one who took Thor's life. He brought death to the wicked creature slowly, leisurely, the act almost making him smile as he began to feel relief before it dissipated. He had gotten his revenge but Thor was still dead. At least he'd be able to tell you that Thor's death had been avenged. He knew you wouldn't ask straight away but the question would come eventually, now he'd be able to tell you exactly how he got his revenge. For now, he could all but cry and keep his promise to Thor.

"Promise me you will not leave her."

"Thor I—"

"Brother, promise me you'll look after her."

"I promise."

The next day came however you didn't move. You remained still, in bed, silent tears running down your cheeks as you begged to be awoken from this nightmare. You didn't speak, nor did you the next day, or the next. By the end of the week, your voice was hoarse as you told a concerned Loki to leave you alone.

The following week was a little bit kinder to you. The sun shone for what felt like the first time, warming your cheeks and covering them with a new sensation, hope. You stood up and walked towards the window allowing more of the sun to stroke your face. You smiled, it was almost painful, the muscles in your face not remembering the gesture. Just as you were about to close your eyes and bask in the yellow glow, the door knocked.

"Can I come in?" Loki spoke from outside, holding a tray of food like he had been doing the past two weeks however this time, you allowed him in. Loki pushed the door open, gaze focused on your bedside table where he sat the tray down before realising you weren't in bed. Glancing up, he saw you standing at the window, eyes closed as the sun cast an ethereal glow around you. Cautiously he approached you, unable to stop the small smile that formed on his lips as he saw your face. He realised he had almost forgotten what you looked like, it had been so long since he had seen you. The mission he embarked on with Thor was a long one and the only time he saw your face when he came back was when there was fury and desolation painted across it unlike now. Now he was looking at a different you, a healed you, a new you. He could see the sadness lurking beneath your smile, the heartbreak, the woe but he could also see the determination of your tense body trying to keep those emotions at bay.

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