Party girl

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You brought your glass to your lips, hips swaying a little as you felt the music reverberate through you, each sip lowering your inhibitions enough to smile at the stranger eyeing you from across the rooftop. Your gazes had met a few times now, neither of you approaching the other as the people around you continued to move intoxicated in tandem, dancing to the music. When one of your favourite songs began to play, you couldn't help the pull of the melody leaving you throwing your shoulders back as you danced, singing along with the rest of the crowd. The scent of alcohol mixed with perfume was carried around the rooftop by the swift evening breeze, engulfing you in a feeling that could only be described as nostalgia; you were happy you came out tonight.

"It seems like he likes you." Nat spoke, finding you in the crowd again after topping up her glass and noticing the strangers gaze on you.

"Who even is that?" You replied with a small scoff not having realised she had noticed.

"Loki." She stated as if it was common knowledge.

"Okayy." You answered apprehensively.

"Loki Odinson." She clarified leaving you no closer to recognition.

"Am I supposed to know who that is?" You chuckled at her seriousness.

"One of the Odinson brothers" she began, eyes rounding "they're notorious mobsters y/n, you're not seriously telling me you don't know them." Nat stressed, eyes almost pleading with yours.

"I don't." You replied truthfully as she looked over your shoulder.

"Well it seems you've definitely caught the younger ones attention." She smiled.


"He's coming over." She continued excitedly.

"What?" You gasped again before she spun on her heels, turning away from you.

"And what pray tell are you drinking tonight?"

You quickly spun as you heard the deep, sultry voice in your ear before you were met by the man from earlier who you now knew as Loki Odinson going on what Natasha had said. She walked behind him, flashing you a thumbs up before disappearing again.

"Pornstar Martini." You answered, your eyes staring into his emerald ones. They were even more dreamy up close. Your eyes ventured to his hand as he raised it, clicking his fingers in the air before a shorter man appeared next to him.

"The lady would like a pornstar martini." He spoke, eyes fixed on yours.

"And for you sir?" The man answered.

"Bourbon, on the rocks." He replied before the man dismissed himself leaving you and Loki alone again.

"You could have gone yourself." You spoke, breaking the silence that had settled between you both.

"I could have." He agreed.

"But you didn't." You stated.

"I did not," he smirked, "keen eye." He added, making you smile too. "I like to pride myself on my observance, meaning that I couldn't help but notice you haven't danced with anybody all night."

"You've been watching me?" You giggled.

"I have an eye for rare beauties and my my" he started, eyes trailing over your body "you are rare."

"Subtle." You teased his blatant eye fucking of you. Before either of you could say anything else, your drinks arrived. You took your martini, bringing the glass to your lips as you took a sip, Loki doing the same to his drink. His eyes searched for yours over the rim of his glass, busy eyes relaxing once they met yours. You bit your lip, allowing yourself the pleasure of checking him out now, your gaze lingering on the exposed hair on his chest peaking through the two undone buttons of his shirt. He was handsome, you couldn't deny that, all the way from the shine of his inky locs to the polish of his leather shoes. His body language exuded confidence, the arrogance of his status leaving you slightly flustered especially when you noticed his eyes mapping you again.

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