Something beautiful 📖

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You certainly didn't imagine yourself here. You were courageous, fearless, powerful, destined for greatness, not destined to be a skivvy to Asgard's most dangerous. Well, it's better than actually being in the cells. This way, you lived in the palace and you were able to spend your free time however you pleased. Still, this was disgusting. The dungeons were filthy. Guess that's why they 'hired' you.

This all started when you were younger. Many would call you an extremist but you were simply an activist. You were rebellious in your youth and decided it'd be a good idea to lead a revolution in Asgard. That didn't go well.
You were originally supposed to be in the dungeons for your "treacherous behaviour" but the queen had managed to convince the Allfather to go easy on you as you were young and no real threat. She said you were kindhearted and could be of service as she taught you how to wield your seidir from a young age so she knew exactly the power you held. She always did have a soft spot for you. She'd always say you reminded her of her youngest. He was rebellious too apparently. Her words only got you so far as you were now cleaning the dungeons.

One particular night, you were cleaning the dungeons and noticed one of the nicer cells were now occupied. Those cells were very very rarely used. Approaching it cautiously, you were met with a raven haired man who had his head deep into a book. You smiled at the sight of the book and decided to think aloud.

"Macbeth, that's my favourite Midgardian book" you smiled sweetly as the man looked up from the book to acknowledge you.

"You've been to Midgard?" He questioned.

"Of course, I've frequented Midgard many times" you said almost proudly.

"Well, I find this book rather dull and boring, much like someone else" He said abruptly closing the book and standing up. Clearly he was trying to intimidate you as he stalked closer to the glass wall of the cell you were standing behind.

"No believe me it gets a lot better" you beamed not allowing him to make you feel inferior "I bet you haven't even gotten to the bit where Macbeth is haunted by a ghostly dagger" you grinned waving your hands around causing an amused smile to spread across Loki's face.

"No, I haven't" he said looking from your hands to your face.

"Well, as you know, it starts off with three witches" you began as Loki stepped back and sat down.

You explained the story as Loki sat and listened, watching you intently. You told the story with so much enthusiasm that he found his eyes widening in shock when you dropped the bombshell that Lady Macbeth went crazy and offed herself as you so kindly put it.

"And the end is basically Macduff killing Macbeth" you finished feeling breathless.

Loki felt himself enamoured with your storytelling. Your voice told the story better than any words on a page could. He almost yearned for you to tell him another.

"Well, I better be off" you said stepping away from the cell.

"I'm Loki" he said causing you to look back toward him.

"The wayward prince" you teased.

"Behave" Loki warned with a smile evident in his tone. "What landed you here?" He asked intrigued.

"Tried to overthrow the king" you laughed turning around.

Loki laughed as well, not that you knew. He found sleep with a smile on his face. Perhaps this sentence wouldn't be too bad for him if he had you here.

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