First light

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Sunlight streamed through the gaps in the blinds, coating you both in a heavenly golden glow. Loki opened his eyes, thanking the Norns for the beautiful gift they had bestowed upon him. He took in your features, wondering how something could be so beautiful, so perfect, so pure and yet be his. Despite Loki's long life and the various realms he had frequented, nothing had ever matched up to his prepossessing y/n. No being ever possessed such bright eyes or such soft lips. He had never met anyone who was so witty, loveable and ever so kind. You had a heart of gold. A heart of gold he had almost instantly fallen in love with. Reaching forwards, he placed a light kiss on your lips, smiling when he saw the grin that grew on your face.

"Morning my love" he whispered, drawing lazy circles down your bare arm.

"I'm sleeping" you replied, draping an arm around him as you pulled him closer to you, burying your face in his chest.

"How will I wake this sleeping beauty up?" He chuckled, kissing the top of your head as he moved his hand to your back and resumed his artwork there.

"Mmmm" you hummed in content at his feather light caress "thats nice."

You both stayed like that for a while, holding one another whilst Loki occasionally kissed your forehead, reviling in the smile that'd decorate your features almost instinctively. Stretching slightly, you opened your eyes for the first time and Loki had to try and pull himself away from your captivating gaze. You narrowed your eyes at him as you grinned at his expression.

"Whatttt?" you giggled as he stared at you.

"Gods, you truly are beyond compare" he spoke, almost breathlessly causing you to feel flustered as you snorted.

"Stop" you tittered.

"I am truly enamoured. How did I manage to win you?" He continued, looking from your eyes and down to your lips as you bit your bottom one as if you were thinking.

"Let me think" you replied with a playful smile "maybe it's because you're handsome, or maybe it's because you're my Prince Charming or perhaps it's because you do that thing with your tongue"

"Is that right?" Loki smirked "you like the thing?"

"Of course I like the thing" you spoke, matching his smirk.

"Does the lady want the thing?" He teased, leaning over you as you turned onto your back. He began kissing your neck, making his way down your chest before the sound of your stomach growling caused him to stop. "Hungry?" he smiled.

"I need to get up anyways" you huffed "we'll definitely resume."

"No!" Loki declared, standing up "I'll feed my girls."

"How do you know it's a girl, it's too early for even the scans to tell" you laughed at his attempt to quickly dress and his wild assumption.

"I just do" he spoke, kissing you on the forehead before he left.

"I love youuuu" you called after him.

During the pregnancy, Loki was certain that you were having a girl. You didn't ask the doctor to confirm when you went for the scan at 18 weeks wanting it to be a surprise. Loki ensured that he did whatever he could to make pregnancy easier for you and even tagged along to all the prenatal classes you attended, usually being the only man there. You found yourself smiling as you watched the other mothers practically swooning over him and saying how much of a great dad he was going to be. Jealousy was an emotion you just couldn't feel whenever he'd catch your eye, looking past all the mothers bombarding him with compliments and focusing on you as if you were the only two people in the room. He made it feel like it was. Even now, after all the years together, he still made your heart skip a beat.

You were sure you loved Loki, certain of it. Always have, always will except the morning you went into labour, you weren't too sure anymore.

"GET THE CAR STARTED LOKI!" You yelled, feeling your contractions growing closer together.

"I-I—it's too early" he panicked, skimming through the birthing plan book that he had proudly written his name on top of as soon as he received it.


"Oh gods" Loki uttered, swallowing thickly before rushing you to the car and trying to put the seatbelt around you.

"Just drive driveeeee LOKI GO!"

The drive to the hospital was full of you trying to deep breathe as Loki calmed you. You thought that his breathing was him demonstrating what you should do but it wasn't. He was acting as if he was in labour too. Once you reached the hospital, Loki quickly grabbed you a wheelchair before helping you into it. For a few seconds, you forgot you were in labour as Loki ran through the hospital yelling at everyone to move as politely as he could and for a few seconds, you felt like a child again, a feeling that was quickly diminished when you felt another contraction.

"ARGHHHH" you groaned and Loki's eyes widened in alarm as he spun one of the doctors around.

"HELP HER!" Loki begged, pointing to you, earning a few smiles from the midwives who were around. "SHES ABOUT TO HAVE A BABY! SHES ABOUT TO HAVE MYBABY! Norns" Loki gasped, turning pale as if he was about to faint. You saw one of the doctors putting a hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"Sir, you'll be—"


You were quickly rushed into a hospital bed and given some gas and air to help ease your pain. When you next saw Loki, he was dressed in scrubs with a hairnet on and he furrowed his brows looking anxious as he slowly stepped into view.

"Get. Here. Now!" You ordered through gritted teeth. Loki shook his head. "GET THE FUCK HERE!" within the same second, Loki was at your side holding your hand. The midwives and doctors were giving you instructions and telling you to push but the pain was unbearable. Clearly Loki didn't love you if he could do this to you. "I HATE YOU!" You screeched as you pushed.

"I love you too darling."

"IM GONNA KILL YOU IM GONNA KILL YOU!" You yelled, feeling another wave of excruciating pain.

"Try to relax" Loki said, wiping your forehead with a damp cloth.

"Loki I canttt" you whimpered.

"You're doing amazing, I'm right here my love. Right here."

"Push" the midwife said.

"ILL KILL YOU FOR THIS FRIGGASON!" You fumed as Loki gulped, daring a look down until he again almost fainted.

"You're doing so great. I love you so much." He said reassuringly.

"Loki please, I can't. I can't do it." You said quietly through tears.

"One more push" the midwife said.

"You can do anything my gorgeous girl" Loki smiled as he held your hand for the final—


Crashing backwards on the bed, an overwhelming feeling overcame you when you heard the cries of your baby—

"Girl" Loki uttered, watching the midwives in awe "it's a girl."

Everything else felt as if it was passing in slow motion. The only thing you could focus on was the sight of Loki holding your baby girl. He had to quickly wipe away a tear as he smiled down at her in his arms.

"Hello" he cooed "hi. You wanna meet your mother?"

Turning around, Loki presented you with your baby and you sat up, trying not to burst into tears. Loki handed her to you and you held her against your chest amazed at how perfect she was.

"I told you she was a girl" Loki said trying to stifle his own tears of wonderment. "Thank you y/n."

"Come here" you said before Loki leaned down to you. "I love you so much."

You both watched this new bundle of joy as tears rolled down your cheeks. You had done it

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