Double the fun

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One of the parts Loki loved most about missions was coming home to you. Yeah he enjoyed being on the battlefield as he'd call it with his friends but there was something about the way you looked at him when he returned. If it was a short mission, you'd shower him with love, hugging him tightly once he arrived back but if it was a long residential one, the way you looked at him when he came home was different, lustful, fiery. You could barely contain yourself, ripping his clothes off before pouncing on him. The sex was always that much more delightful when you hadn't seen eachother for a few days. Absence certainly made the heart grow fonder and the orgasm last longer.

Today was no different, Loki arrived home after a long mission expecting to see you waiting at the door for him considering he had asked Steve to call and let you know he'd be home earlier than expected. When he didn't see you, puzzlement painted his features as he made his way upstairs.

"Y/n." He called to no reply as he continued taking near silent steps. He neared your shared bedroom, ears perking up when he heard the small whimpers passing your lips. Loki knew you well enough to know exactly what that noise from, he had drawn it out of you many times. It was derived from pleasure, pure satisfaction. He peaked through the crack in the door, a smirk playing at his lips when he saw you laying against the bed, eyes closed, knees bent as you rubbed fast circles on your clit. He didn't have to think about what was on your mind when he heard the breathy release of his name coming from you. The sight instantly left his trousers tightening before he reached down, smoothing over his bulge. He didn't know what to do; he was torn. Part of him wanted to join you, finally be reunited but another part wanted to continue to watch, lurk in secret as you pleasured yourself calling his name. Watching your hips rise from the bed slightly, he made his decision.

"Hello darling."

The sound of Lokis voice made you gasp as you opened your eyes, quickly closing your legs.


"Don't be shy now" he grinned, making his way towards you "you were just getting to the best bit."

Looking up at him, you opened your legs again before trailing your hand between them and resuming your moments only slower this time, more calculated. Lokis eyes were on you as he began removing his clothes before kneeling on the bed. You looked down at him as he made his way between your legs, lips kissing your thighs. His hands pried your legs further apart as his lips reached your core, moving your hand out of the way before he kissed your clit leaving your head falling back against the pillow as he began his administrations. One of your hands gripped the sheet below you tightly as he circled the bundle of nerves before wrapping his lips around it and sucking. Your hips lifted from the bed, your previous climax building up again as he laid his flat tongue against your clit, moving it through your folds.

"Lokii." You moaned, hips rocking against his face as he continued flicking your clit with his tongue. Unbeknownst to you, the real Loki was still behind the door, stroking himself as you cried his name on the bed with a clone he had deployed himself. Something about the image of himself pleasuring you left him eagerly tugging at his length as he murmured your name. He watched as his clone skilfully drew your orgasm from you leaving you panting as you came down from your high. The sight was picturesque.

"Welcome home baby." You smiled once you had caught your breath back. "How about we welcome you back properly?" You suggested, wriggling your brows.

"Oh believe me, I'd like nothing more." You heard a familiar voice from the door.

"Loki?" You gasped again, eyeing the new addition before you looked down at the Loki still between your legs, mischievous smile matching the one that had just walked in. "Is this supposed to be one of those guess who's because I'm not killing one, I want you both." You then spoke leaving both Lokis chuckling.

"Well, you heard the lady" The standing Loki spoke to the one between your legs "it seems she wants us both."

"It does appear that way." He answered, positioning himself above you as he hooked your legs around his waist.

"Wanna taste you." You spoke, looking at the Loki stepping towards you as the one on the bed lined himself up with your entrance.

"Well, who am I to deny such a pretty lady." He grinned, freeing his hard erection as he settled on the bed, his cock running over your lips. You moaned loudly as Loki entered you, filling you completely as your mouth opened, inviting the other inside. You circled the tip of his cock with your tongue eliciting a small growl from him as the other Loki thrusted steadily in and out of you. The room was quickly full of the sound of two Lokis nearing their orgasms as you whimpered between them, your own peak shrouding you as one of the Lokis began circling your clit with his thumb. You hollowed your cheeks around the cock in your mouth, eyes shut tightly as you came, legs quivering.

By the end of the night, Loki had gotten rid of his clone, deciding to claim you himself however he only came to that decision after they both had alternated between fucking your pussy and your mouth. Double the orgasms, double the lovebites, double the fun.

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