Pledge allegiance

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"There's a guest here for you, your majesty." Your messenger spoke, averting his gaze as he entered the room.

"Who is this guest?" You questioned, glancing at him.

"He said he's a prince, should I tell him to wait in the—" he began before you interrupted him.

"Send him in." You instructed.

"You want me to send him in? Now?" He asked incredulously.

"I don't take kindly to repeating myself." You answered evenly.

"Yes your majesty, sorrows." He apologised before turning around and leaving.

You turned back towards the court painter, the silence resuming as he continued to paint you before you heard the door opening.

"Hello silvertongue." You welcomed coyly as Loki stepped inside. His gaze darkened a shade as he took you in, laying sideways on the chaise lounge, nude, a thin layer of silk draped across your lower body shielding your modesty as you looked up at him.

"Y/n." He greeted fondly, gaze meeting yours again as he stepped towards you before crouching down and taking your hand. "My queen." He added, kissing the back of your hand before lowering it. You nodded chastely in reply as he stood again.

"And pray tell, how may I help you?" You queried.

"I'd prefer to speak in the absence of doting ears." He answered, clearly gesturing to the other person in the room.

"Well you heard the man, he's a prince" you turned to the court painter "make haste." You ordered, flicking your wrist before the man scampered out. Turning back towards Loki, you picked up the grapes that were propped up in front of you. "Loki, would you like a grape?" You offered with a smile as you ate one. "I tend to grow quite peckish myself when posing for portraits" you spoke, eating another "and then these are just here, teasing me." You snorted. Lifting one of your fingers, you gestured Loki closer before grabbing another grape with your free hand. Instead of crouching, Loki knelt in front of you as you fed him the grape with a wide smile on your face.

"How succulent" he complimented, looking deeply into your eyes once he finished the grape "a refreshing burst of sweetness." He grinned.

"Now, away from flibbertigibbets, tell me what's so important that you mustered up the dark energy needed to come here, surely it wasn't just to pay me a visit." You insisted.

"Can I not just simply visit you?" He answered bashfully.

"No." You smiled as Loki stood up again.

"What's so far-fetched about me coming here and paying a visit to the queen of a realm once promised to me?" Loki shot back, seemingly walking towards your unfinished portrait.

"What do you want?" You asked, smile falling.

"I remember when it used to only be me who painted you undraped, I was the only one you'd let see you so unclad" Loki reminisced as he looked at the painting "but I must admit, your court painter has done a splendid job at capturing your beauty y/n."

"I could get him to paint you next, I'm sure he'll be able to capture those sleepless nights under your eyes." You snapped, sitting up as you pulled a silk robe around you.

"And she bites." Loki smirked, turning towards you.

"Oh, I can do a lot more than just bite." You answered, narrowing your gaze.

"Yes" he agreed "I seem to recall many of those sleepless nights were spent with you."

"What do you want Loki?" You asked, looking up at him. Walking towards you, Loki stood in front of you, raising his hand to caress your cheek as he looked down into your eyes. Wordlessly, his thumb found your lips, circling them before he dragged his thumb down, your lips moving in the process before they were released, his thumb travelling lower. It ventured between the valley of your breasts and lower as Loki knelt back onto the floor.

"I find this more appropriate, a queen shouldn't look up at a prince, especially not in her own realm." He finally broke the silence.

"Even in a realm you insist you gifted me." You spat.

"I did gift it to you."

"I bested you." You insisted.

"Did you?" He questioned, kissing one of your knees, lips travelling up your legs. Using one of his hands, Loki pushed them apart as he kissed your inner thighs. "Or did I let you win?"

Before you could even answer, your hands had curled into fists, fists that bored into the chaise lounge below you as you arched your back towards Loki, his name escaping your lips in a lewd moan. You moved further to the edge as Loki's tongue ravished through your folds before his lips wrapped around your clit. One of your hands found the back of his head, fingers working through the knots in his hair as he suckled against your clit leaving you thoroughly pleasured.

"We are at war y/n." He spoke between licks, not even lifting his head to speak.

"W-war?" You questioned, head thrown back with your eyes closed.

"Yes, a very real, a very merciless war." He stated, lips smoothing over your clit as he spoke.

"And what can I do?" You asked, looking down at him. Without answering, Loki engulfed the bundle of nerves with his mouth again, making you moan out loud.

"There are two things" he began before you nodded "first, you could finish" he grinned, glancing up at you "refresh me with another burst of sweetness."

"Loki" you sighed with rapture as he alternated between licking and sucking your clit. You could feel the pleasure swelling in your abdomen as he continued his victimless torture before your delight gushed out of you. Loki continued, slowly licking you until you pushed him away. Sitting back against the chaise, you tried to compose yourself as Loki stood. You closed your legs as you looked at him, wiping his face.

"And now I'm looking up at you again." You noted.

"Secondly, I need your allegiance." Loki answered seriously.

"My allegiance?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"Was it not you who cursed me to an eternity by your side?"

"I simply saved your life." He shrugged.

"Exactly, you saved my life. There's no war where I fight against you Loki." You assured as he crouched down again.

"Do you promise?"

"I promise" you nodded "do you want me to swear on it like when we were children?" You chuckled.

"Your word is enough." He smiled, kissing the corner of your mouth. Turning your head, you captured Loki's lips in a proper kiss, an uncouth one. It didn't take long for him to join you on the chaise lounge, below you, holding you down against him as he lifted his hips, fucking up into you.

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