The curse of your love

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Being one of, if not the most powerful witch in the realm as well as a high esteemed member of the kings guards trusted to protect the realm spiritually, you were part of the covert operation to detain Loki Laufeyson who was also prince of Asgard, although you referred to him using a different moniker. This meant that you had to report back to Odin at least four times a week with your findings. You stood, head down in the throne room as Odin spoke.

"We must be on high alert if Loki really does plan on overthrowing me and ruling this realm." He said sternly.

"If I detect any use of his power I'll be sure to inform you." You declared.

"Good" Odin nodded "slowly but surely he's reeking havoc on the nines and must be stopped before he causes catastrophic damage."

"Yes sire" You agreed "anything else?"

"No, you are dismissed." He gestured for you to leave. You bowed curtly before making your exit and heading back towards your room in the palace. Like the monarchs themselves, you lived in the palace alongside the other royal guards all specialising in their own field of protection. On your journey back to your room, you bumped into Thor who was the older prince of Asgard and Lokis brother. He walked alongside you silently, glancing at you before he cleared his throat.

"So you haven't heard from my brother at all?" He questioned, the query taking you by surprise.

"I haven't." You agreed.

"And you are sure?"

"You think me a liar Thor?" You paused, looking up at him.

"I think you are loyal, but to whom is the question." He answered.

"Are you accusing me of something?" You asked, brows knitting as he stood in front of you, eyes running over your face.

"Not yet."

"Well then move out of my way whilst I continue my search for your bother."

Thors gaze narrowed as he looked you over again as if searching for a lie, a deceit in your words before his face relaxed and he smiled, standing to the side and gesturing for you to pass. Your room was just further down the hallway so once you were certain his eyes were no longer on you, you sprinted the rest of the way, pushing your door open and slamming it closed before resting your back against the wall and releasing a breath.

"You can come out now." You called. "You're here, I can sense it."

A few moments later, Loki made himself visible, your eyes landing on him standing in the middle of your room. He looked rough, rougher than last time but still handsome nonetheless.

"If Odin knew you were here he'd—"

"Have me executed, I know." Loki finished, stepping towards you, his hand finding your cheek as he stood in front of you, a smile playing on his lips. "My inamorata."

"Loki do not." You dismissed, slapping his hand away.

"Am I not allowed to touch you?" He questioned, his hand moving back to your cheek "am I not allowed to caress the skin of the cheek I've spent countless nights kissing? To ghost my hands over the body I've spent centuries worshipping?" He continued, hands moving to run up your arms, down your back and over your sides as you turned your head, facing away from him. "Am I not allowed to press my lips to those that have pleasured me endlessly? The lips that have screamed a multitude of I love yous all directed at me?" He finished, his finger finding your chin as he turned your head back towards him, your eyes meeting for the first time since his arrival. For a moment you saw the confliction, the torment as his crazed gaze bore into yours before he leant in, pressing his lips to yours in a passionate kiss. You sighed into the kiss, willing your body to not melt against his as he broke the kiss. "Am I not allowed to love you?" He asked, pulling you flush against him as you inhaled his familiar scent with a shaky breath.

"Your love is a curse." You murmured against him.

"Well then consider yourself cursed, plagued with my love for you." He answered, speaking into your ear before he kissed you again. He stepped backwards, holding your hand as he pulled you back with him before he sat at the edge of your bed. Your hands were in his as you stood, looking down at him as he looked up at you. You tried to keep your breathing even, ignoring the fact that he was eye level with your centre. "If my love is a curse than y/n, my love, you are doomed—" he chuckled, wrapping an arm around the small of your back, pulling you closer. You almost fell on top of him, steadying yourself with your hands on his shoulders. Your breath hitched as he kissed your hipbone over your dress before hiking it upwards and pressing his lips to your bare thighs. "—because I love you more than life itself." He spoke, raising one of your legs and bringing it next to him, your knee bending as his kisses met your inner thigh.

"Not more than power, the realms, c—control." You stuttered, contradicting him as his mouth met your cunt. He licked ardently at your clit before pausing and glancing up at you.

"Darling, I have control." He stated, clicking his fingers before your dress disappeared leaving you completely naked. Grinning, Loki lowered himself against the bed, pulling you with him until you were straddling his face. Your thighs were either side of Lokis head as his tongue circled your clit. You rolled your hips against his face, moaning as you gripped the headboard. He wrapped his lips around your bundle of nerves, sucking gently as your moans increased.

"W-well then w-what are you trying to prove?" You managed to grit out, your peak fast approaching. Ignoring you, Lokis hands gripped your thighs firmly as he continued sucking your clit. You saw stars, head lulling backwards as you came, coating Lokis face in your arousal. He continued to tease you until the moment passed and you rolled off of him and onto the bed. Licking his lips, Loki turned to face you.

"It's my birthright y/n, to be king." He stated.

"And you'll stop at nothing to fulfil this supposed birthright I assume, even if it means destroying Asgard in your wake. Hurting me?" You grimaced.

"Inamorata" Loki began, stroking your cheek "I would never hurt you."

"I want to believe you Loki." You replied causing Lokis jaw to clench. Didn't you believe him? "But I dread your ambition may overthrow your rationality more than it already has."

"I'd never hurt you." He reaffirmed.

"But you'll hurt this realm? Everyone that I love?"

"This place will be littered with flames that burn brighter than Nidavellir but y/n, my love, I will never hurt you." He confirmed as a tear rolled down your cheek.

"I will stop you Loki" you sniffled "I have to stop you."

"Then stop me." He uttered, kissing you again before making his way above you. The kiss was messy, both of you desperate to be closer as Loki used his seidir to rid himself of his garments. You hummed contently feeling his skin against yours again, the thrum of his heartbeat. More tears fell down your cheeks knowing that this was all temporary. Loki kissed them, he kissed every tear away as he lined himself up with your entrance. "I love you." He spoke against your lips as he pushed inside of you, more declarations of love following with every thrust. Those three words he whispered into the crook of your neck rang like position to your ears. He made love to you, such sweet love. He held you against him as he came, coating you both in a layer of intimacy that you wished you could stay in, bask in but alas, this couldn't last long.

Once he was spent, he began pushing hair away from your forehead as he looked into your eyes. You could feel him softening inside of you as you looked up at him.

"Now, as certain as I am that I'd never hurt you, I can't say the same for you when it comes to me and darling, I've got a mission to complete." He interrupted the quiet moment leaving you confused.


"Until next time my cursed one, when Asgard will be in ruins, engulfed by flames as you take your place as my queen." He smiled.


"Sweet dreams." He wished, kissing your forehead before everything faded into darkness.

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