Cherry pie 🍒

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Clearing away the things on the counter, you made your way to the cupboard, putting the flour away before you heard the door chime. It wasn't long ago that you changed the open sign to closed however you stupidly didn't lock the door. Huffing to yourself, you put the flour down before you called out.

"We're closed."

"Even for me." You heard the stranger reply before your eyes widened at the rich familiar voice. Quickly, you made your way to the front of the shop.

"Mr Laufeyson." You greeted, wiping your hands on your apron before realising even that was covered in flour too. You took it off, placing it on a table as you stepped towards him. "Please, take a seat." You offered, gesturing to a table.

"Loki is fine." He insisted, sitting down.

"I'll get you a slice of pie." You smiled as he sat.

"I was just passing through the area and thought why not say hello to my favorite baker," he explained as you cut him a slice of pie, "and business partner of course." He added as you squirted a little cream on top of it before bringing it to him with a fork. Once you were in front of him, you placed the plate on the table, taking a seat opposite him. He could sense your apprehension, he knew you that well. "What's the matter?" He asked, picking the fork up.

"Look, Mr Laufeyson, I can't keep bringing your shipments through the shop." You spoke evenly, feeling as if a weight had been lifted off of your shoulders at your admittance.

"Loki" he corrected you, dipping his index finger into the cream before bringing it to his lips, tongue darting out as he licked it off. Your eyes followed his movements as you subconsciously bit your lip. "I'm usually on a first name basis with the pretty women who serve me pie" he grinned, turning his attention to you "and my my, isn't it delicious." He finished, eyes roaming up and down your body as he licked his lips. You felt flustered under his gaze before he looked back down at his plate, cutting a piece off with the side of his fork before stabbing the severed piece and bringing it up to his mouth. "Start again, and say my name."

"Loki" you began, taking a breath before you continued "I can't keep bringing your shipments through the shop."

"Y/n" he sighed in fake dramatics "you wound me." He smiled, placing his hand against his heart as he continued to eat, your eager eyes still following his movements. "Mmm" he hummed contently "cherry pie."

"Your favourite." You answered, swallowing thickly.

"Would you like a taste?" He offered.

"No I—" you started to protest before he presented a piece on his fork to your mouth.

"Open" he prompted you, eyes on yours. Opening your mouth, you welcomed the pie, already knowing it was delicious; it was a family recipe, a recipe that was now tainted by the image of Loki feeding it to you and his expression as he commanded you to open your mouth.

Using his thumb, he swiped off the cream that had landed on the corner of your mouth before bringing it to your lips. He didn't have to prompt you to lick it off.

"Tell me y/n, why can't things continue how they are?" He questioned, sitting back in his chair "it's a good thing we've got going on here. I offer you my protection in his shady, dingy town in exchange for one of your vans once a fortnight" he shrugged "I mean, we do exchange otherthings too" he smirked "but that's pleasure, not business."

"I don't want to be a part of it anymore, I don't like the risk." You sighed.

"So it's the risk you don't like" he pondered, standing to his feet "and here I was, clearly mistaken, thinking you liked taking risks" he spoke, making his way to you "tell me what I can do that'll make you more agreeable" he probed, lowering his lips to your ear as he spoke behind you before placing his hands on your shoulders "do you want me to use my hands?" He asked, a smile evident in his tone "you seem to like them." He added, noting how your breath hitched as he began massaging your shoulders.

"Loki." You breathed.

"Or perhaps you want me to use my mouth" he countered, kissing your neck, your eyes falling closed. "Do you want me to tell you what I think y/n, I think you like the risk" he chuckled darkly before lowering his lips to your ear again "I think you find it thrilling." He continued, kissing the nape of your neck. "Tell me, do I make you feel alive?"

"Loki." You exhaled desperately.

"What do you want, pretty girl?"

"I want you." You relented.

It wasn't long before you were on your feet, kissing Loki as you walked to the backroom. Your breaths were heavy between kisses, filling the space between you as he pushed you up against the table, lips venturing your chest. His hands found your body, both of them starting at your shoulders and moving down to your hips as he turned you around so that your back was against his chest as his kisses centred at the nape of your neck. Your breaths grew ragged as you felt his thumbs curling into the waistband of your jeans before he was tugging them down your legs along with your panties. You wordlessly stepped out of them, at the mercy of Loki Laufeyson. You felt his lustful kisses against the back of your legs, his lips working their way up to your thighs as his soft hands roughly pushed them apart. You gripped the edge of the table hard as his impatient kisses finally found your centre whilst he bent you over, opening you with his tongue.

"Fuckk." You moaned as Loki licked his thumb, rubbing your clit with it as his tongue delved through your folds, exploring your sex. His hands cupped your ass, revealing more of you as he flattened his tongue against you before swiping across your clit leaving you panting like a bitch in heat. "Just like thattt." You whimpered as he hummed against your pussy leaving vibrations reverberating through you. "I'm gonna cum." You near cried as he wrapped his lips around your clit.

"Not yet" Loki beseeched, standing to his feet as the swelling pleasure that was building inside of you began to dissipate. You heard Loki undo his belt before you felt the tip of his cock breaching your sensitive entrance. "Is this what you want me to use?" He exhorted, his lips close to your ear again only this time glossy with your asousual.

"L-Loki." You murmured, unable to string a sentence together as he ran the head of his cock through your folds before lining himself up with your entrance again.

"Will burying my cock deep inside of you make you more agreeable, more amenable, hmm?" He questioned, pushing more of his length inside of you. "Show me how affable you really are, I want to fuck the genial host I'm used to." He grunted as he entered you completely, impaling you with his cock as you screamed his name in rapture. The table shook as he fucked you, pushing your back down against it as he held your waist. "See, I knew you liked taking risks" he grinned "I don't even have a condom on and you're still letting me fuck you." He sniggered, slapping your ass.

"S-so good." You choked out, swimming in pleasure, barely able to speak.

"Are you going to let me cum inside of you too, fill you with my seed?" He grunted, his strokes paced as you felt every ridge of his cock against your walls "you always lose all control when you're filled with my hot seed" he gushed "sticky and panting, your natural state, isn't that right my hospitable whore" he continued to goad, fucking you deeply. "Or maybe you want me to make you a doting mother?" He ventured, grinding his hips into yours, his thumb teasing your clit again.

"Fuck!" You yelped in unaldorterated pleasure, his words driving you insane.

"You know I've always had a soft spot for you, maybe I should finally fuck a baby into you" he groaned, his climax fast approaching "would you like that?" He rushed out, staving off his orgasm, he needed your confirmation, your faux vows to really send him over the edge. You nodded frantically in response but that wasn't enough. "Say it!" He ordered desperately.

"Yes! Fuck Loki yesss!" You yelled, hitting your peak as Loki's thrusts turned disoriented, sloppy before he came, shooting his load deep inside you.

"Fuck!" He growled, spilling inside of you as you tried to slow your breaths.

Once you had both come down from your highs, Loki pulled out of you before sheathing himself again. Silently, you turned around, your legs shaky beneath you as you reached for your jeans.

"If you don't want me to use your van, I won't use your van" Loki eventually spoke "there are other ways for me to import and export."

"Loki, wait." You called after him as he turned to leave.

"You'll still have my protection as long as I still get my cherry pie." He winked before leaving.

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