You only love once

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He didn't mean to. He certainly didn't want to. He wanted to despise you, had to despise you. You were midgardian and an Avenger, part of the people who were the main reason for his demise but unlike the others you were just so kind. Loki never felt lonely in your presence or like he was in competition. He never felt like a burden whenever you'd explain some sort of midgardian contraption to him. You never made him feel like any less than your equal. You were always so nice to him and it was refreshing until the day it changed, the day you kissed him.

That day, you made Loki realise he was missing something he was unaware that he deeply desired. Companionship. Touch. After that day, he couldn't get enough. He had to have more intimacy. He knew that you didn't reciprocate his feelings, you were just good-natured, he wasn't special so it was a challenge to try and get this extra bit of intimacy with you without it being obvious.

It started off with Loki 'accidentally' cutting himself knowing that you were the one that helped the team with small cuts and grazes. One day, he had a small cut on his forehead which you delicately treated. Loki found himself swimming in a sea of pleasure from your mere comforting touch. So gentle. What startled him was when you leant over him and kissed on top of the plaster you had just applied.

"There, good as new." You smiled, pulling away and realising what you had done "sorry" you added.

"Don't be." He smiled back.

"Well, I better get going." You announced, turning away.

After that day, Loki knew that he wouldn't be able to control himself around you. He imagined how soft your lips would feel against his. How sensual of a kisser you were. The feeling of your delicate hands trailing over his body. He tried his hardest to keep away from the intoxicating drug that was you but he couldn't anymore. It was torture not being able to feel you against him. The feeling of your hair tickling his face if you ever leant over him. The soothing melody of your voice. The beauty in your eyes. No, he couldn't keep away.

Once day, Loki saw you coming inside the compound holding a cage with a cat inside. He listened as you explained that it was your fiends and that you were to look after it for the night. He watched you as you took it out of the cage and held it. Stroked it. Praised it. He wanted your fingers entangled in his Raven locks not the matted fur of that small beast so he concocted a plan.

The next day, the cat was gone. This was his chance. Shapeshifting, Loki turned himself into an identical version of your friends cat.

"Aslan?" You called to the cat on the floor as you stepped outside your room. Picking him up, you stroked him as you picked up your phone to call your friend to tell her that you stupidly gave her an empty cage. You tried to call her as you held the cat in your hand but she didn't answer.

"I guess you'll be spending a bit longer with me Aslan" you cooed, kissing the cat on the head.
Loki couldn't believe it. Here you were, kissing him again.

Turning back towards your room, you walked in and put the cat down by the cat tree with the toys around it before you laid on top of your bed. To your surprise, the cat decided to jump onto your bed, walk towards you and burrow it's head into the crook of your neck.

"Aww, Aslan wants cuddles? Come here baby" you sang, scratching behind his ear causing him to purr.
Loki had no words in the moment. He simply couldn't express the elation he felt. He was so close to falling asleep in your warm embrace until you sat up with a frustrated sigh. Loki was concerned. He wanted to find whatever or whoever it was that was troubling you and end it. He walked towards you and laid across your lap before looking up at you and meowing.

"I'm destined to be alone forever with a cat as my only source of comfort." You muttered. Loki felt jubilant knowing that he'd be your cat forever. He didn't care about whatever form he had you in, just as long as he had you. He was yours.

"I think I should tell him how I feel Aslan."

Loki felt a feeling of sadness and anger consume him. It was like a deep longing. Lonesomeness.
"But I don't know if he likes me back and honestly, I wouldn't be able to handle the rejection." You laughed, feeling ridiculous for confiding in a cat.
Who would ever reject you? Loki thought. Whoever it was, clearly wasn't worthy of you. Loki resumed his purring as you petted him until you said the unthinkable.

"What the hec you only live once. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna tell Loki I like him."

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