Ive dug two graves for us my dear

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"Well, if Fandral thought with his head rather than what's between his legs he wouldn't have ended up in such a compromising position" you laughed, taking another sip of ale.

"I assure you y/n, I myself didn't find the position that compromising, I found it rather erotic" he grinned, downing his drink.

"Do spare us the details Fandral" Sif retched.

"Well, it involved a bed, a blindfold and restraints" Fandral laughed earning a huff from Sif who covered her ears whilst you took another sip of your drink, listening to Fandral telling his story to you all. This was how most triumphant nights ended. You, Thor, his warriors and Lady Sif all drinking and laughing. Thor sat at the head of the table whilst you sat to his right. You were his confidante, his right hand, his rational mind at most times but most importantly, you were his friend.

"Fandral, do have care how you speak, you are in the company of women" Loki interrupted, walking into the room.

"You're only jealous Loki, you're not getting any" Fandral jested earning guffawing from everyone including yourself who took another sip of your drink as you watched Loki enter.

"Very funny" Loki quipped dryly, rolling his eyes.

"What brings you here brother? Going to have a drink with us?" Thor asked, inviting Loki to sit down.

"I'd rather not, I'm here to pass on a message actually" Loki replied.

"Well, it's not like your presence is welcomed here anyways" Sif spat causing Lokis expression to fall for a moment before he composed himself, looking towards Sif and spoke.

"Still holding a grudge, perhaps I am to cut your hair again, teach you some manners" Loki opined.

"You little—" Sif began before you cut in.

"That's enough Sif" you interjected.

"But he—"

"Don't worry Sif, Lokis only in a mood. You know how the younger prince gets" you grinned turning towards Sif "a grumpy little oaf isn't he."

"I told you, it's because he's practicing celibacy." Fandral snickered.

"Do shut up Fandral. And y/n, you can silence yourself too" Loki spoke ominously.

"Celibacy huh?" You said, making a thinking face "I wonder if it's by choice, probably not" you giggled earning laughs from everyone else as Loki looked at you, a hurt expression crossing his face.

"What's the matter Loki, you look as if you're about to cry" Fandral chortled.

"Mother requires your presence Thor, that is all" Loki announced before turning to walk out, tripping over Fandrals foot causing everyone to begin their tittering again.

"I better be going" Thor spoke, standing up.

"I better call it a night too" you agreed, standing up and saying your farewells before leaving. You walked down the long hallways, smiling at the guards who bowed down to you as you passed them. To them you were their princess. You were practically raised in the palace as your mother was good friends with queen Frigga who insisted you stayed in the palace after your mothers passing. Asgard had watched you grow, same as Thor, same as Loki, you had their hearts. When you reached your destination, you quickly looked around to see if anyone was there. Seeing no one, you entered.

"Come to laugh again?" Loki remarked, not looking up from his book as you walked inside his room, closing the door behind you.

"Relax Loki, what's a bit of harmless teasing between friends?" You dismissed.

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