Bookshop girl 📚

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Confident, assertive, equanimous and poised were words that were often used to describe Loki. In Asgard he was a prince, charming and suave and he entered Midgard a force, something to be feared, someone that garnered respect and yet he found himself pacing the common room, biting his nail nervously as he rambled about his insecurities to Thor who was doing little to soothe him. Just as Thor opened his mouth to speak, Bucky entered the room, taking in the scene.

"What are we talking about?" He questioned, noting Loki's furrowed brows as he paused, turning to face him.

"Nothing." Loki answered at the same time Thor answered "bookshop girl."

"Oooh, bookshop girl." Bucky grinned as Loki narrowed his gaze at Thor.

"She has a name." Loki tutted.

"I know, I hear you saying it whenever you're—" Bucky began, doing an uncouth hand gesture before Loki interrupted him, pushing his hands down.

"Stop!" He almost pleaded.

"I'm just sayin' thin walls and super soldier hearing" Bucky shrugged, ignoring Loki's scowl "anyways, what seems to be the problem?"

"Loki has a date with her tonight." Thor answered, causing Loki to cut his eye at him before speaking.

"It's not just a date, it's the date." Loki explained.

"The date yeah?" Bucky teased, wiggling his brows.

"Yes, at least I think so, she's invited me to her apartment for dinner and I'm not sure what the etiquette for these things are." Loki sighed.

"You go to her place and you bang her." Bucky spoke matter of factly making Loki's eyes widen in shock.

"What's going on in here?" Steve asked, walking into the room.

"Loki's finally gonna bang bookshop girl tonight." Bucky answered, Loki huffing and rolling his eyes.

"Nice" Steve noted earnestly, patting Loki's back "I hope you'll be respectful and use protection of course." He added.

"If you do not remove your hand from me within the next three seconds, I'll be forced to—" Loki began before Steve took a step away from him, holding his hands up.

"Okay, okay."

"Norns, why did I even bother confiding in you dimwits?" Loki puffed, pressing his fingers to his temples.

"Here's what you do" Bucky began, setting the scene as he raised his hands up into the air, seemingly gesturing to some kind of imaginary thought bubble "you buy her some pretty flowers, some chocolate, maybe even bring a bottle of wine and then you seduce her, massage her shoulders a little, caress her and then when she's like putty in your freakishly large hands, she'll be tearing your clothes off and that's when you kiss her and show her how an Asgardian prince fucks." He finished with a wide smile.

"Things are so much more confusing here with women." Loki groaned.

"I know buddy, I know."


Hearing your bell ring, you gasped, realising that Loki was on time. You quickly buzzed him in, standing anxiously at the front door. You smoothed down your dress and then your hair before quickly glancing in the mirror at yourself. To say you were nervous was a criminal understatement. This was the first time Loki was coming over and you wondered whether tonight was the night you'd—

The door knocked, making you almost yelp as you lost your trail of thought, opening the door.

"Loki, come in." You smiled when your eyes met, almost all your nerves slipping away as you looked at him; it was Loki, your Loki.

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