Baking rewrite

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Saturdays belonged to you. It was just a rule. You'd put up with the team on weekdays but Saturday was yours. It was the one time that the compound would be empty and you'd be able to run around, sing loudly, walk around Bruce's lab, shoot Clint's arrows without any objections, play with Nats nunchucks, actually wear the band shirt you had taken from Bucky, drink Tony's whiskey, swear really loudly without Steve complaining but your favourite thing to do was bake without any interruptions. You liked the tranquility of it.

The practice of baking was almost sacred to you. From a young age you always found yourself baking. It soon became the thing that you'd use to calm down and de-stress after a week of blowing up HYDRA bases or rescuing civilians from aliens or whatever strange mission the Avengers had to go on. Saturday was yours and you loved it. That was until a certain God of Mischief ended up living in the compound under house arrest not being allowed to leave except during missions. This meant that the sacred Saturdays now had to be shared with none other than Loki himself.

"It's impolite to stare Loki" you sighed, as you creamed together butter and sugar.

"Don't flatter yourself wench I'm simply making sure you're not poisoning me" he replied.

"Poisoning you? Now why would I want to do that?" You answered sarcastically.

"What are you making?" Loki queried.

"I'm baking a cake Loki." You stated.

"Right." He murmured.

Loki watched intently as you combined all of the ingredients. Although he'd never admit it, he found you intriguing. Not that he liked you anything, he just found you interesting to observe. He loved how your hair would be tied up messily as you danced around the kitchen in an oversized hoodie. You always looked so carefree. He'd often find himself smiling at the thought of you going on a mission looking so unthreatening. You were the feared y/n. You had a reputation of being terrifying and brutal but here, in this kitchen, you were beautiful. Mentally scolding himself for the ridiculous thought, Loki began to break the silence the best way he knew how, a round of direct questions.

"Why do you hate me y/n?" He asked you.

"I don't hate you Loki, I just really really dislike you."

"Thanks." Loki answered, looking slightly downcast as he looked away from you, lowering his head. You almost felt bad, maybe you didn't have to be so rude he was only asking a question. After a while, you spoke again.

"Look Loki its not you. Saturdays were my day and now I've got to share them looking after you and let's be honest, you're not the best company" you jested trying to lighten the mood which didn't work. You made your way to the sink, washing your hands before you sat opposite Loki. "Every Saturday, my sister and I would bake together. She was always busy doing other things during the week but she made sure that every Saturday she was free so we could bake, relax and just hang out. One Friday night we had an argument and I stormed out of the house. I was walking around the area angrily, cursing her under my breath. At the time I didn't know of my power. If I did, I wouldn't have said the harsh things I did" You explained as your voice wavered at the end. You took a deep breath to speak again but Loki cut you off.

"You don't have to talk about it y/n."

You offered him a weak smile before you continued. "After that, I continued the Saturday tradition even if it was by myself. I vowed that every Saturday, regardless of the week I'd had, I'd be happy and bake something. For her. This was all going well until the Avengers decided to pin you on me. Now I spend my Saturdays babysitting someone who can barely tolerate being in the same room as me." You laughed mirthlessly.

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