Lakeside cabin 🌲

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When you first discovered that you and Loki would have to spend a few days in the lakeside cabin waiting for a particular aircraft to fly over, you were excited. It was an easy mission. A holiday if you will. You took turns with binoculars, looking up at the sky for the aircraft that would be carrying the dangerous exports. Your job wasn't to infiltrate it, it was to mark it, tell the team an ETA for when it would arrive at the airstrip and they'd do the rest leaving you and Loki able to leave and head home. The times you weren't looking up at the sky, you enjoyed some light reading by the campfire or a little dip in the lake next to the cabin. It was relaxing and the place felt homely despite your short time there. Loki on the other hand didn't take too kind to your relaxed demeanour. Clearly he didn't find the cabin homely at all.

If Loki wasn't on duty, he was sitting at the campfire, sometimes reading, often times just thinking. Whenever you went to sit next to him, considering there weren't ever any aircrafts after dark, he'd abruptly get up and leave. You didn't think much of it considering you didn't spend much time together alone in the compound anyways, but his behaviour was still strange. What was the most strange was whenever you glanced up at him from the lake, you could have sworn you caught him looking at you before he quickly looked away. Sometimes you'd even call his name but he'd pretend not to hear. You knew he was pretending because if you ever strained your voice as if you were in danger, he was quick to dash towards you before seeing you laughing. Scoffing, he'd turn around until one day he didn't just turn and leave.

"Lokiii." You called from the lake. Looking towards you, Loki was quick to make his way towards you, assessing the situation. He rolled his eyes as he approached you, of course, you were fine however, something was different, he could tell but he couldn't quite work it out.

"Have you ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?" He asked unamused.

"He ended up getting eaten up by the wolf." You answered, rising slightly against the low waves.

"Indeed" Loki nodded "because no one believed him."

"But I'm not calling a village to help me, I'm calling you, the wolf himself." You smiled. This caused Loki to smile slightly too.

"Are you suggesting I eat you up?" He asked, slight merriment in his tone.

"I'm saying I wouldn't be opposed to it." You smirked. Wait, where did that come from?

"Hm, good to know." Loki winked before turning and leaving. What? What what what? You watched him leave, your mouth open slightly what was he insinuating. What we're you insinuating? you felt to call for him, to ask him but realising how silly that seemed, you let it go.

When it was evening time, the team said that they had successfully infiltrated the aircraft but that the compound was currently filled with the explosives so that meant they'd all have to stay somewhere else whilst the bomb squad dealt with them all, meaning it was better if you and Loki just stayed out for the time being. You of course was ecstatic, this meant more time away from work and more time in nature. Loki however didn't share your enthusiasm. He instead went out whilst you prepared dinner. Yesterday Loki cooked so you said you'd cook today. That was the most time you spent together this mission, eating dinner together. You alternated between cooking.

When Loki entered the cabin, the smell of food filled his senses but there was something else, something stronger, primal. He followed the scent to the kitchen where you were plating up dinner.

"There you are" you smiled, turning to face him and nearly dropping the plate as you took the sight of him in. His hair was tied back, his T-shirt had a bit of mud on it just like his trousers, both of which clung to him as if he was damp. Had he been caught in some sort of rain? Making your way towards him, you put the plate on the table before touching his hair. Slightly damp too. "Sorry." You spoke, stepping back from him after realising what you did. That was weird. But not as weird as Loki not pushing you away from him or coming out with some sort of snide remark. Instead, you could have sworn that he inhaled? "You better change, you don't want to get ill." You suggested as you walked back towards the stove. Maybe he already was ill.

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