Red Tape

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Don't stray too far from the palace, your mother practically shouted it as you left mere moments after you arrived only having greeted the Allmother and the king, deciding to venture through the unfamiliar town. You left seemingly aimlessly however you knew exactly the place you desired to end up. Despite this being your first time in Asgard, you were aware of its reputation when it came to the lower districts. Unlike your home realm, Asgard had a darker side to it, a more amorous one; it was this place you sought.

Arriving at your destination, you looked around at the different buildings, a stark contrast to the ones closer to the palace. This place seemed void of light, dingy and cold. The floor was wet, puddles settling in between the grooves of the cobbled stone decorating the floor. You swerved through people who were trudging along, clearly intoxicated as they sang like merrymen. Feeling someone too close behind you, you flinched, quickly stepping to the side and allowing them to pass. This place wasn't for you, you knew that, but neither was the life your family were forcing you to live. This was the only way. You walked further, eyes scanning your surroundings before you lingered outside an inn, watching others enter, the doors swinging open as they did so allowing the sound of music to fill your ears. You dared yourself to go in, sighing when your feet remained firmly in the ground.

"And what brings a fine lady like yourself around these parts?"

Gasping, you spun on your heels to be met by a stranger who's eyes ran over your from before meeting yours. Your own eyes widened slightly, he was handsome to say the least. Tall, dark hair, great posture and a piercing gaze. Your eyes dawdled on one another for a few moments before you spoke.

"I'm visiting." You answered, straightening your own posture.

"Visiting hmm" he replied, mulling over his words as he continued to speak "usually ladies like yourself don't venture this far into Asgard." He finished, gesturing to your surroundings.

"Ladies like myself?" You scoffed halfheartedly.

"Yes, made up, grandiose, clearly wealthy." He listed, finger running over the golden necklace that clasped around your neck. He noted the small intake of breath you took as he evaded your personal space, the tension. "And innocent." He concluded, speaking into your ear before he pulled away.

"W-who says I'm innocent?" You queried, releasing a breath you hadn't realised you were holding.

"Oh please" he revelled with a coy smirk "I can smell your virtue from a mile away.

"My-my virtue?" You stuttered, eyes widening.

"So demure, so untouched." He marvelled, eyes dipping to your lips.

"I'm no—" you began defiantly before he cut you off.

"Go on, lie to me." He smiled, eyes meeting yours again.

Sighing, you decided to tell this stranger your predicament.

"I'm supposed to be wed to a prince" you confessed "as per my fathers orders."

"Fathers will be fathers." he huffed under his breath. "A prince huh?"

"Yes" you nodded "I'm to marry a prince in a special ceremony but the ceremony can only take place if I'm a virgin."

"Oo, there'll be a ceremony." He grinned.


"And why aren't you happy?" He queried.

"I don't want to marry, especially not a stranger hence why I'm here. No virginity, no wedding." You explained causing his smile to widen slightly.

"You're here to lose your virginity, in this disgusting place?" He chuckled "please tell me you're jesting."

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