Meant to be

685 23 8

TW: Infertility and problems associated with that including miscarriage, smut, use of drugs, alcohol

"Loki, Loki" you shake him awake trying to
stop the trembling as your vision blurred "wake up, I need-I need to go to a hospital" you stuttered, Loki's eyes flying open as he heard you.

"Y/n?" He questioned, cupping your face as he searched your expression in the dark room "what's the matter?" He began, eyes widening as he noticed the crimson soaking into the sheets.

"I feel faint and I'm not due on" you tried to rationalise, not wanting to alarm Loki and trying to calm yourself down too.

"I'll drive" he quickly stood up, flinging the duvet off of himself.

Loki helped you into the car before you both rushed to the hospital. You had been feeling abdominal pain for the past couple of days and you felt incredibly ill but you put it down to stress. Only now as Loki held your hand, frantically driving that you realised this was actually a lot more serious. When you made it to the hosptial, you were seen quickly.

"I wish I had known" you sniffled "if only I had known, I could have pretended, just for a while that we—we were going to be parents" you continued to cry as Loki rubbed soothing circles on your back, placing a kiss on your forehead. "I was a mother Loki and now—now I—" you sobbed, wanting the day to end as Loki bit back his own mournful tears. And just like that, another getaway, another attempt at normalcy.

It had been just over a month since you were at the hospital and already, you and Loki had spent all your weekends abroad, trying to have sex in as many different European countries as you could. Each country offered its own culture, its own fond memories and its own way of spicing up your sex life whether that was with aphrodisiacs or guided meditations. This weekend, you found yourselves in Amsterdam, a hotel overlooking a nearby canal as you each held a mushroom in your hand. It was on your way to get food that you stopped at a shop and picked the mushrooms up after an elderly lady working in the shop said that the mushrooms cured all that ails you. Turning towards each other, you smiled before eating them.

"When do they kick in?" Loki asked, wriggling his fingers as he held his hand in front of his face.

"Considering the fact that you've been staring at your hand for the past ten minutes, I think they already have" you answered, looking at him.

"Oh" he voiced, looking up at you "do they work?"

"Is your hair getting longer?" You questioned, squinting as you looked at Loki.

"Is yours getting shorter?" He replied, pointing at your hair before you stood up, making your way to the mirror.

"Oh my god!" You shrieked, Loki following behind you as you looked at yourself in the mirror.

"Norns!" Loki gasped, his hair long as he took in his appearance.

"Is this—do I have stubble?" You panicked, touching your face only it didn't seem like your face. "Oh my god!" You yelped again as you felt an unfamiliar weight between your legs. Running your hand down your body, you almost passed out as you realised "I—I'm a man! Look Loki, look, I've got a—" you began to laugh, pulling your trousers down.

"Y/n, I fear I may have lost my—" Loki began before you interrupted, thrusting your hips.

"It's so heavy" you chuckled.

"What on Midgard did we take?" Loki asked, his voice high.

"Who cares, the effects will probably wear off as the mushrooms do" you shrugged.

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