Two ps in a pod

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Despite all that had happened including Loki dying, then coming back to life, then dying, then coming back to life, the blip, then dying, then coming back to life, being a prisoner for a while which resulted in him faking his death and then returning, you and Loki had still ended up finally together. At last. Throughout all the dilemmas, you remained at Lokis side however you were merely friends disguising your true feelings behind casual dating with others and lingering touches between you both. Now however, you had finally admitted your feelings to one another and were free to be together. Your relationship was almost perfect. You got along well together of course, you knew each other well and you were comfortable around each other. The only problem in this typical friends to lovers trope was the lovers part. You and Loki just weren't compatible in bed which you quickly discovered the first time you had sex.

"That was nice." Loki spoke, breaking the silence between you both as he laid against his bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Very" you answered, clutching the duvet over your chest as you too stared at the ceiling "whilst it lasted." You added quietly.

"What was that?" He queried, glancing at you.

"Nothing." You quickly answered, beginning to stand up as you wrapped the duvet around yourself. "You should probably be going."

"This is my room."

"Right" you nodded "well, I should probably get going." You corrected yourself, making your way towards Lokis bedroom door.

"Y/n wait" he called after you before you stopped in your tracks "will you be going to Wandas engagement party tonight?"

"Yes." You answered, rolling your eyes, of course you'd be going. You continued to walk out, opening the door before running towards your room with Lokis duvet still fastened around your body.

Once you arrived back in your room, you collapsed against your bed with a sigh. You thought that your first time with him would be perfect. You had seen him shirtless before, his muscles, his long dexterous fingers, the sinful outline of his length whenever he wore something tight fitting or shorts. You had imagined him being intimate with you plenty of times and yet you couldn't help but be disappointed when it didn't go right. In fact it was terrible. The best two seconds were cut short by Loki ejaculating onto your inner thigh. All in all, sex with Loki was a disaster.

Picking up your phone, you decided to message the girls group chat and get the party started early.

Super Bitches and Witches 🤪
Y/N: Emergency, my room now!

Nattie 👩🏻‍🦰: Do I need a gun or a blade

Wan 🧙🏻‍♀️: ???

Y/N: Just get here now! And bring alcohol someone!!

Meanwhile, Loki was drowning himself in whisky as he confided in his brother as well as a couple of other members of this motley crew he had grown to call friends.

"It was awful." He huffed, sipping his drink as Bucky's eyes met with Sams offering him a serious expression which done nothing for keeping him from laughing.

"It can't have been that bad." Thor tried to console him, hitting his back causing Loki to choke on his drink.

"He literally came in like two seconds." You fake gagged, before downing another shot of vodka.

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