One last night

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Hearing the banging of your door startled you awake causing you to jump out of bed as you stood with your back against the wall. Cautiously you stepped out of your bedroom before taking small steps through your apartment and towards the front door.

"Y/n let me in."

Sighing, you walked towards the door with an angry expression before opening it to be met by Loki who practically fell on you.

"Loki what's w—oh my goodness" you gasped, seeing the blood on the front of your top from him. Quickly, you guided him towards the sofa where he sat down. You grabbed the first aid kit in the kitchen cupboard and knelt on the floor next to Loki who you told to lay down. You helped him lift his top before you got to work, cleaning the blood and disinfecting his wounds. Luckily the cut wasn't too deep so you were able to stitch it back yourself even with Loki's snide comments telling you to be "gentle" or asking whether you were "qualified" to do this. Once you were finished and the cut had been sewn together, you finally looked up at Loki who had been watching you intently the whole time.

"What happened?" You asked.

"I may have gotten into a little fight." He answered with an amused smile.

"Loki, you can't just pick fights and you definitely can't just turn up here anymore" you told him as you stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

"Ahh yes, the soldier" Loki goaded "is he here now?"

"Do you think you'd be if he was?" You quipped, pouring you and Loki a drink. Instead of answering, he looked down as you walked back towards him, offering him the drink. He looked back up at you as you downed it. "What? How else are you supposed to drink this absolute poison of a drink" you shrugged. Loki followed suit, downing his drink too before he grinned.

"Y/n, are you trying to get me drunk?"

"Are you staying? You asked, unamused "if you are, I'll bring you a blanket." Loki nodded and you took that as your signal to stand up. Reaching your bedroom again, you turned the lights on and retrieved a blanket. You also rummaged through a draw full of Bucky's clothes that you had kept from nights that he had stayed over, looking for something Loki could throw on so he wouldn't have to sleep in the bloodied clothes. You and Bucky hadn't made anything exclusive but you were currently technically dating. You weren't really sure where his head was at and you didn't know if you wanted a relationship after having just come out of a long term one. Picking up a top and a pair of jogging bottoms, you made your way towards the front room.

"I'm not sure if these will fit I know you're a" you began before seeing that Loki had already fallen asleep "giant" you whispered, smiling to yourself after glancing at his feet which were dangling off of the edge. You put the clothes down and made your way to him, putting the blanket over him. Seeing him like that again, so peaceful as he slept brought you straight back to the mornings you'd wake up before him. You'd turn to face him, still in his arms and place a quick kiss on his cheek before closing your eyes again. He'd always hug you tighter, pulling you closer towards him. Those were some of the best mornings of your life. Sun streaming in and coating you and Loki in gold.

"Take a picture why don't you" he mumbled against the cushion under his head, eyes still closed.

"Shut up" you said, trying to not act flustered after having been caught. As you stood back up fully, you felt Loki grab your hand.

"Can you stay?" He whispered.

"On the sofa? There's no space Loki. Goodnight" you huffed.

"We've spent many nights together in this exact spot." He teased, a familiar smugness in his tone.

"Not many long ones if I remember correctly" you smiled "night."

"Y/n please." He murmured almost pleadingly.

"Loki, has something happened? Are you alright?" You asked, generally concerned.

"Can't we talk about it in the morning? Will you please spend tonight with me?" He implored. Giving in and knowing that something must have been off, you pulled back the blanket before settling onto the sofa as he spooned you.

"We're not having sex" you opined as he snuggled into you, wrapping his arms around you.

"Goodnight y/n" he smiled against the nape of your neck. You closed your eyes to get to sleep but you didn't miss the quiet "I will always love you" he whispered.

The next morning, you woke up wrapped in the blanket without the company of Loki. How he managed to leave without waking you was a mystery. The ringing of your phone caught your attention and you went inside your bedroom to answer it.

"Hello" you yawned.

"Y/n, could you get to the compound please." Steve said on the other side but there was a solemness to his tone that didn't go unnoticed.

"Be right there cap."

You got dressed before heading to the compound where the team were gathered in the briefing room. Walking in, you caught Buckys eye but he looked down and you got a sickening feeling thinking that he probably knew you spend last night with Loki. Technically nothing happened but he probably still felt betrayed. Steve gestured for you to sit down which you did before he began taking.

"I'm so sorry y/n but we thought it best you hear it from us first rather than the reports on the news later." Steve began causing your heart to sink. "It's Loki."

"Loki?" You said, knitting your brows.

"He's deceased. He was killed last night."

"Last night?" You laughed "he was with me last night." You admitted, avoiding Buckys gaze who was surprisingly not looking at you. No one was. "Guys? Hello? Where's Loki? What sort of joke is this? GUYS?"

"It's true" Tony spoke, lowering his gaze to the floor.

"No" you uttered before standing up and running towards Loki's room in the compound.

"Loki Lokiiii" You called in a chipper tone, flinging open his door to be met with an empty room.

"LOKI?" You shouted, turning to be met by the team who had followed behind you.

"I'm sor—"

"Get out of my way" you scorned, pushing through everyone as you made your way to the common room to further look for Loki before seeing the news that was on.

"Loki Laufeyson was pronounced dead at the scene after an undercover mission went wrong last night. Reports say that he was attacked by some sort of extraterrestrial blade—" the reporter said before you ran towards the TV, kicking it to the ground.

"I don't understand. He was there. He was with me last night. He came to me and he was" you paused before realisation hit you "bleeding."

"That's impossible y/n, after he was pronounced dead, officials released his body to us which has been in the morgue the whole night."

"I-I don't get it—I don't understand" you began to sob as you fell to your knees. "Loki— Loki's dead?"
You were met by saddened faces which answered your question.

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